Fake It ’till You Make It! – New 40k Webcomic

By Richard McKey | May 17th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Web Comic

eagle ordinary strip

This week, the Ordinaries fake it until they make it! Should be any day now…

Hello Spikey Bits! I’ve stopped drooling over those two leaked shots of Leman Russ for just long enough to post up our Monday comic page.

It’s quite a sacrifice, but you all are worth it.

Just look how happy he is!


I can think of a few RP characters/models in my army who should use this as their slogan.

For those of you interested in the comic creation process/graphic stuff in general, our illustrator will be doing a live tutorial on Saturday, 3pm EST, and it will be open to the public for questions and feedback! We have more information on our Facebook page: Eagle Ordinary Facebook 

Checkout All The Previous Comics, Right Here!

Fake it ’til you make it, Ordinaries!