Fallout Warhammer 40k: Urban Scenic Bases That Look Great!

desert scenic base walIf you love Fallout, and Warhammer 40k, check out how to make scenic urban bases for your miniatures that look great in a snap!

If you’re not in the business of spending hours on a single base, but still want your army to look detailed and uniform, check out this dope tutorial from Collen.

Hey guys, Collen again. I thought I would give a quick tutorial on how I did my urban wasteland bases for my Fallout themed army. I recommend removing the model from the base for this basing process.

Fallout Warhammer 40k: Urban Scenic Bases That Look Great! 

Urban Scenic BasesFirst up, you’ll want to use Texture paint as your starting layer. Astrogranite was used here but it can be anything like Stirland mud as well.

Urban Scenic BasesAfter it dries, add some Citadel Technical paint Agrellan Earth. This is a bit tricky as you need to find the right amount to add as it crackles when it dries. Too much and it flakes off, but too little and you don’t get any cracks. You may want to do a couple of test runs on some other bases you don’t care about before you use it here.

Give it Time to Dry

Urban Scenic BasesLet it dry for about an hour or so and you will have something looking like this if you did it right.

Wash & Highlight

Urban Scenic BasesGo ahead and add a wash of Agrax Earthshade. This will fill in the cracks and give it a little more definition.

Urban Scenic BasesTo finish it up, dry brush an off-color tan here to give some highlighting to the cracks and a sandy look to the concrete. (Karak Stone was used on this base).

Urban Scenic BasesIf you want to keep things flat, your bases should look like this once the models are glued on. However, it also works with more three-dimensional bases as well like corkboard.

Urban Scenic BasesIf you’ve been looking for a dirty, dingy basing style for your models to stand on, hopefully this has been helpful to you! Remember, you can take this technique and make it as simple or as complex as you really want to. It just depends on how comfortable you are with basing things and how much time you want to spend.

Have you followed this basing style for your Warhammer 40k models, that is straight out of Fallout? Have you developed your own personal technique for basing your collection?

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