Ferrus the Stoic: Primarch of the Day

By James Rodriguez | June 10th, 2017 | Categories: Picture of the Day, Warhammer 40k News

ferrus manusThe Hand Of Iron, The Gorgon, Master of the X legion of Space Marines. Come take a look at today’s Picture of the Day blast from the past!

By prolific web artist Kurt Metz

‘On the eighteenth day of Nureg, the Guardian of Terra did alight on Draor and there was a great star-fire in the heavens as seven ships of gold descended. And, lo, did the men of Iron kneel to his will and the will of the Avenging Son. He brought his word and his bond, but it was the gift of bone the men of Iron took heed of. And so reunited with their patriarch was a pact with the men of Iron sealed and the Imperium of Man reunited. Never again would it be put asunder.’

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

Once swayed himself to the side of the Warmaster, Fulgrim approached Ferrus Manus before the heresy and tried to lure him to join Chaos. Ferrus Manus was so enraged at this proposal that he attacked Fulgrim. A short duel took place, where Ferrus destroyed Fulgrim’s sword Fireblade, the same weapon Ferrus had given to him many years before. Fulgrim escaped after rendering Ferrus unconscious, leaving him alive but taking with him the massive Thunder Hammer Forgebreaker he himself had crafted for his brother.


The Iron Hands was one of the loyal legions the Emperor called to Isstvan V. Given the large distance, Ferrus Manus took the Legion’s fastest ships and departed only with his veterans. Most of them died in this battle, when following the loss of their primarch they were struck down by the traitor legions, caught between the hammer of the Emperor’s Children and upon the Anvil of the four support legions of the second wave.

ferrus manus

Fulgrim personally killed Ferrus during the battle at Isstvan V, using the daemon weapon he acquired fighting the Laer to strike his head from his shoulders in one fell swoop. Fulgrim, distraught with grief that his closest brother was dead by his own hand, was soon thereafter possessed by the daemon within the sword. The possessed Fulgrim then delivered Ferrus’s head to Horus.

When Guilliman heard reports that Ferrus had fallen, along with Vulkan and Corax, he lamented that, of the three, he would miss Ferrus most of all.

ferrus manus

Later during the Heresy as Horus fell deeper and deeper into Chaos and his mental state perhaps began to deteriorate, he took the skull of Ferrus Manus, mounted it on his throne, and began to increasingly speak to it. During their one-sided conversations, Horus lamented that he only had bloody-handed tyrants, mass murderers, and daemons for his generals instead of strategists and men of duty like Ferrus.

Ten thousand years later, a daemonette of Slaanesh taunted Iron Hands Sergeant Naim Morvox on Shardenus, claiming that it had seen Manus’s head, and “it is still screaming.”

Find out more about Ferrus Manus