That’s right guys Fantasy Flight Games’ Warhammer 40k Version of it’s blockbuster “Talisman” Franchise is set to release this Friday.
It’s called Relic, and boy does it look good.
We’ve been waiting for this since last August when FFG announced at GenCon that this project was on the way!
Of course I would have preferred figures to the “busts” they provide for the game, but we all know Games Workshop would never allow another company to make “it’s” figures. That being said these busts still retain that high quality detailing and 40k theme that we’ve all come to know and love.
So I guess the busts are the next best thing, and actually lend nicely to the “far future” feel to the game regardless!
I watched the preview trailer (below) for the game, and obviously the basic play is just like Talisman.
However there is a definite 40k feel to it for sure. Look for an Unboxing of this as soon as I get my hot little hands on it, to see just how it “looks in real life”.
If you haven’t pre-order yours yet, we still have copies of these available for pre-order now!
But don’t wait too long, because if the production problems with the X-wing Miniatures game are any indication, this game is sure to go out of print by the Holiday Season-Enjoy MBG