It’s been a few weeks since the Blood Angels codex came out, and well I’m still reeling with how to deal with them. The main problems are that they close way to quick with my battle line, whether its 18″ rhinos or podding/ deep striking, and I cant shake them off quick enough.
So in my new list I added an Executioner, and combined with the mystics ability I’ve been seeing some success with burning down deep striking squads, and keeping the pressure off for a turn or two. It also works well with the Hydras breaking open transports, and the Executioner mopping up the insides.
I also added back the Psyker Battle Squad because even against marines making them fall back even for a turn is huge IMHO. However I’m not 100% sold on loosing a fifth veteran squad/ scoring unit.
I had pretty good success with a 2000 point variant of this list over the weekend- I played in three different tourneys in two days GAH! So I evolved this list out of that battlefield experience. (more on the three tourneys in two days later)
HQ: Company Command Squad (7#, 185 pts)
Company Command Squad, Plasma Gun x2
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Close Combat Weapon (x2) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Plasmagun (x2) (24″ Range; S7; AP2; Rapid Fire; Gets Hot!); Heavy Weapons Team; Officer of the Fleet; Chimera
Heavy Weapons Team [20] Lascannon
Infantry; Note C:IG, pg. 29 in regards to composition (e.g., two models for transport, but a single model for all other purposes); Close Combat Weapon (x1) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Lasgun (x1) (24″ Range; S3; AP-; Rapid); Lascannon (48″ Range; S9; AP2; Heavy 1)
Company Commander [26]
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Refractor Field (Confers a 5+ Invulnerable save (see C:IG, pg. 35).); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Senior Officer (The Senior Officer may issue 2 orders per turn with a 12″ command radius: Bring it Down, Fire on my Target!, Get Back in the Fight!, First Rank, FIRE! Second Rank, FIRE!, Incoming! and Move! Move! Move! (see C:IG, pg. 30).)
Officer of the Fleet [30]
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Intercept Reserves (-1 to enemy Reserve rolls and enemy units can be made to re-roll sides when outflanking (see C:IG, pg. 31).)
Chimera [55]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Amphibious; Mobile Command Vehicle; Transport Capacity: 12 models; Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).); Turret Multi-Laser (36″ Range; S6; AP6; Heavy 3)
Elite: Inquisitor (4#, 75 pts)
Inquisitor [OM] 75
Unit Type: Infantry (Unit Type: Infantry (p.54 WH40k)); Emperor’s Tarot (See C:DH, pg. 17 OR Wargear, pg. 46.); Psychic Hood (Declare that you’ll use the psychic hood after an opponent has successfully made a Psychic test, but before they have used the power. Each player then rolls a D6 and adds their model’s Ld value to the score. If the wearer beats the opposing model’s score then the psychic power is nullified and may not be used that turn. If the opposing model’s score is equal to or higher, it may use its psychic power as normal. The psychic hood can be used each time an enemy model uses a psychic power. See C:WH, pg. 22, C:DH, pg. 18 OR Wargear, pg. 55.); Independent Character ((See WH40k, pg. 50.)); Psyker (Psykers can use one psychic power per turn (WH40K, pg. 50))
Hierophant [OM] [8]
Unit Type: Infantry (Unit Type: Infantry (p.54 WH40k)); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Hierophant (Adds +1 to Inquisitor’s Ld. Daemons assaulting the retinue must roll for movment as if in difficult terrain. If two or more Hierophants are present in the retinue, all Daemons within 6″ are at -1 Ld. See C: DH, pg. 14.)
Mystic [OM] [6]
Unit Type: Infantry (Unit Type: Infantry (p.54 WH40k)); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Mystic (If a unit of Daemons, a Greater Daemon or Deep Striking unit enters play within 4D6″ of a retinue with a Mystic, the retinue may immediately take a free shot at them. These shots are taken before the unit moves as an exception to the normal turn sequence. If the retinue has two or more Mystics, then a unit within 12″ of the retinue may be nominated to take these free shots. See C: DH, pg. 15.)
Mystic [OM] [6]
Unit Type: Infantry (Unit Type: Infantry (p.54 WH40k)); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Mystic (If a unit of Daemons, a Greater Daemon or Deep Striking unit enters play within 4D6″ of a retinue with a Mystic, the retinue may immediately take a free shot at them. These shots are taken before the unit moves as an exception to the normal turn sequence. If the retinue has two or more Mystics, then a unit within 12″ of the retinue may be nominated to take these free shots. See C: DH, pg. 15.)
Elite: Psyker Battle Squad (10#, 155 pts)
8x Psyker Battle Squad 155
Infantry; Psyker (Santioned Psykers Only); Psychic Choir; Ultimate Sanction; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Close Combat Weapon (x8) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Laspistol (x8) (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Chimera; Soulstorm (36″ Range; S*; APD6; Assault 1, Large Blast. Psychic shooting attack (see C:IG, pg. 47).); Weaken Resolve (Used during the Psyker Battle Squad’s Shooting phase. Choose one enemy unit within 36″ and in LOS. For the remainder of the turn, the enemy unit’s Ld is reduced by the number of Sanctioned Psykers in the unit (to a minimum of 2) (see C:IG, pg. 47).)
Overseer [20]
Infantry; Psychic Choir; Ultimate Sanction; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol)
Chimera [55]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Amphibious; Mobile Command Vehicle; Transport Capacity: 12 models; Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).); Turret Multi-Laser (36″ Range; S6; AP6; Heavy 3)
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9x Veteran Squad 155 Melta Gun x3
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Close Combat Weapon (x9) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Lasgun (x6) (24″ Range; S3; AP-; Rapid); Meltagun (x3) (12″ Range; S8; AP1; Assault 1; Melta.); Chimera
Veteran Sergeant [7]
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.)
Chimera [55]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Amphibious; Mobile Command Vehicle; Transport Capacity: 12 models; Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).); Turret Multi-Laser (36″ Range; S6; AP6; Heavy 3)
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 150 pts)
9x Veteran Squad 150 Melta Gun x2, Flamer
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Close Combat Weapon (x9) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Lasgun (x6) (24″ Range; S3; AP-; Rapid); Flamer (x1) (Template; S4; AP5; Assault 1); Meltagun (x2) (12″ Range; S8; AP1; Assault 1; Melta.); Chimera
Veteran Sergeant [7]
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.)
Chimera [55]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Amphibious; Mobile Command Vehicle; Transport Capacity: 12 models; Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).); Turret Multi-Laser (36″ Range; S6; AP6; Heavy 3)
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 180 pts)
7x Veteran Squad 180 Plasma Gun x2, Flamer
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Close Combat Weapon (x7) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Lasgun (x4) (24″ Range; S3; AP-; Rapid); Flamer (x1) (Template; S4; AP5; Assault 1); Plasmagun (x2) (24″ Range; S7; AP2; Rapid Fire; Gets Hot!); Veteran Weapons Team; Chimera
Veteran Weapons Team [20] Lascannon
Infantry; Note C:IG, pg. 29 in regards to composition (e.g., two models for transport, but a single model for all other purposes); Close Combat Weapon (x1) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Lasgun (x1) (24″ Range; S3; AP-; Rapid); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Lascannon (48″ Range; S9; AP2; Heavy 1)
Veteran Sergeant [7]
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.)
Chimera [55]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Amphibious; Mobile Command Vehicle; Transport Capacity: 12 models; Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).); Turret Multi-Laser (36″ Range; S6; AP6; Heavy 3)
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 190 pts)
7x Veteran Squad 190 Plasma Gun x3
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Close Combat Weapon (x7) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Lasgun (x4) (24″ Range; S3; AP-; Rapid); Plasmagun (x3) (24″ Range; S7; AP2; Rapid Fire; Gets Hot!); Veteran Weapons Team; Chimera
Veteran Weapons Team [20] Lascannon
Infantry; Note C:IG, pg. 29 in regards to composition (e.g., two models for transport, but a single model for all other purposes); Close Combat Weapon (x1) (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.); Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Lasgun (x1) (24″ Range; S3; AP-; Rapid); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Lascannon (48″ Range; S9; AP2; Heavy 1)
Veteran Sergeant [7]
Infantry; Flak Armour (Confers a 5+ Armour Save.); Krak Grenades (One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K)); Laspistol (12″ Range; S3; AP-; Pistol); Close Combat Weapon (If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat.)
Chimera [55]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Amphibious; Mobile Command Vehicle; Transport Capacity: 12 models; Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).); Turret Multi-Laser (36″ Range; S6; AP6; Heavy 3)
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
Vendetta Gunship Squadron 130
Deep Strike; Scout; Grav Chute Insertion
Vendetta [130]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 12 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer); Transport Capacity: 12 Models; Extra Armor (Vehicles equipped with extra armour count Crew Stunned results on the Vehicle Damage tables as a Crew Shaken result instead.); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Twin-linked Lascannon (x3) (48″ Range; S9; AP2; Heavy 1 Linked)
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
Vendetta Gunship Squadron 130
Deep Strike; Scout; Grav Chute Insertion
Vendetta [130]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 12 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer); Transport Capacity: 12 Models; Extra Armor (Vehicles equipped with extra armour count Crew Stunned results on the Vehicle Damage tables as a Crew Shaken result instead.); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Twin-linked Lascannon (x3) (48″ Range; S9; AP2; Heavy 1 Linked)
Heavy Support: Manticore Rocket Launcher (1#, 160 pts)
Manticore Rocket Launcher 160
Grp: Heavy BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Limited Ammunition; Storm Eagle Rockets (24″ to 120″ Range; S10; AP4; Ordnance Barrage D3, Large Blast.); Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).)
Heavy Support: Hydra Flak Tank Battery (2#, 150 pts)
Hydra Flak Tank
Hydra Flak Tank [75]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Auto-targeting System (Skimmers cannot claim the cover save from moving flat out against shots fired by the Hydra. Bikes cannot claim the cover save due to turbo-boosting against shots fired by the Hydra (see C:IG, pg. 51).); Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).); Twin-Linked Hydra Autocannons (x2) (72″ Range; S7; AP4; Heavy 2, Twin-linked.)
Hydra Flak Tank [75]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 12 SA: 10 RA: 10 |
Vehicle (Tank); Auto-targeting System (Skimmers cannot claim the cover save from moving flat out against shots fired by the Hydra. Bikes cannot claim the cover save due to turbo-boosting against shots fired by the Hydra (see C:IG, pg. 51).); Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).); Twin-Linked Hydra Autocannons (x2) (72″ Range; S7; AP4; Heavy 2, Twin-linked.)
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 190 pts)
Leman Russ Executioner
Leman Russ Executioner [190]
Grp: BS: 3 FA: 14 SA: 13 RA: 11 |
So what do you think of the Mech Guard 2.0?
Vehicle (Tank); Lumbering Behemoth; Executioner Plasma Cannon (36″ Range; S7; AP2; Heavy 3, Blast.); Heavy Bolter (36″ Range; S5; AP4; Heavy 3); Searchlight (Searchlights are used where the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having acquired a target, will illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting special rule. However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight, can be targeted during the following enemy turn, as if the Night Fighting rules were not in effect, as the enemy can see the searchlight.); Smoke Launchers (Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them. The vehicle may not fire any of its weapons in the same turn as it used smoke launchers, but will count as obscured in the next enemy Shooting Phase, receiving a 4+ cover save (see WH40K 5E, pg. 62).)