FINECAST!!? GW Exclusive Severina Raine: Unboxing & Build

How Good is GW Exclusive Severina Raine? Unboxing & Build

Check out the special release of Female Commissar Severina Raine in Finecast as we unbox, build and break down her rules for Warhammer 40k.

From the pages to the tabletop. Come and see the latest special character from Games Workshop as we take a look at the new female commissar mini.  Severina Raine was first brought to life in the Rachel Harrison novel Honourbound and is now making her debut to the tabletop across the world as part of the Black Library Celebration 2019.


We are going to crack open this new mini to let you vote with your hobby dollars and decide if this new miniature is a pass or buy for you this week!


This release is limited to three per independent retailer this week, but the word is that at the Black Library event that Severina Raine will be readily available from Games Workshop.

It seems like Games Workshop’s process of creating top-notch Finecast miniatures has come a long way over the last seven years or so. But hobbyists are still very opinionated on it for sure. Heck GW doesn’t even call it Finecast anymore either…

Severina Raine is a single miniature cast in high-quality Citadel resin, and is available as part of the Black Library Celebration 2019. 

To hear more on all that from Rob on how this process works and the history of Finecast check out our video below.


As you can see assembling this miniature is as straight forward as far as Games Workshop miniatures go. We recommend attaching the cape and the torso together first then attaching it to the legs.

Overall this Commissar shows more of a classic build design and fewer computer slices. Which makes it maybe not easy but definitely not impossible to customize your Severina Raine figure.


On the rules side of things, Severina Raine is your standard run of the mill Commissar for your Astra Militarum army but costs 36 points instead of 35.

Rob also goes over a few different ways that you could utilize this miniature in you I.G. forces as well.


Here she is folks! Now at first glance, you will notice that she is just as large as a Primaris Space Marine. If there are any complaints about the sculpt, it would probably be that the scale of this miniature is off comparatively.

Though perhaps a little on the large side, this miniature has a ton of detail and is definitely a display quality mini from GW.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and press play on our unboxing video below!


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