Fixing 40k: New Rules That Would Add Balance & Fluff

By Wesley Floyd | September 29th, 2019 | Categories: Editorials, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

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Don’t get us wrong, Warhammer 40k is a great place rules-wise. These changes though could really make the game great again!

Coming from a technical analyst familiar with the industry, here are a list of rules that we could make a case for. They’re definitely outside of the box so be sure to tell us if you wouldn’t mind seeing these in your games either!

Baseline Requirements for Rules Changes

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Before jumping into the changes, it’s important to note these guidelines.

  • Don’t add complexity – smooth and streamlined whenever possible
  • Improve balance
  • Decrease “Feel Badsies” – Game should feel more “fun” and interactive
  • Make mechanics and rules more consistent across units and factions where practicable

Rules We Could Make a Case For


Too close for missiles, switching to guns – Vehicle models can shoot even if an enemy model is within 1” of it. If a vehicle model has one or more enemy model within 1” of it, then any shooting attacks it makes for the remainder of the turn are at -1 for each model. [Fluff – as the enemy units block vision, interfere with weapon traverses, etc]. All other rules apply. I.e, no shooting if the vehicle fell back (unless it also has FLY or another applicable rule). Vehicle weapons cannot be fired at models within 1” unless they have the Pistol profile. This rule also applies to models that are embarked in open-topped vehicles.

Exploding should hurt more– When a transport explodes with passengers embarked, roll a total of TWO dice for each embarked model. For each 1 rolled, an embarked passenger is slain (controlling player’s choice). Before removing the transport, set up the surviving disembarked passengers as usual.

grey knights

Wrist Mounted – Grey Knight Infantry models (excluding Grey Knight Techmarines) gain the “SIDEARM” rule… Whilst this model is within 1″ of any enemy units, its Rapid Fire type weapons change to Pistol type characteristic, with the same number of shots.

Fire in the hole – Weapons with type GRENADE can target units that are not visible to the bearer. (Because you’re lobbing them in a general direction).

Also house rule: Magic boxes are stupid and don’t exist. The building is either a ruin or a hill, not infinite armor that you can’t interact with.

Tau Drone options

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Tau Drone Options– Require Drones to be notionally “between” firing unit and shielded unit. Similar to way Grot shields work for Orks.

A Stratagem on Bringing Chapters & Retaining Doctrines/ Special Rules

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Friction of Command: 1 /3 Cp stratagem. Use this stratagem while mustering your army. For 1 CP you may use a second “Chapter / Regiment / Hive Fleet / Forge World / Etc…” when constructing your lists. For 3 CP you may use a third. This stratagem may only be used once. Distinct <Chapter/ etc.> keywords must still be in separate detachments to get the benefit of chapter tactics.

This would be powerful, but also a way of balancing lists. For the boogeyman list (Knights / IG / Smash Captains). For 200 points you get 5 CP from that Guard Batallion. But it costs you 2 additional CP, using the Friction of Command Strat so you only net 3CP for 200 points. It’s still probably good, but you at least have to consider whether to bring in a Blood Angel Batallion instead.

Playing Your Games with Open War Decks

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Better Balanced Open War Deck Rules -(Choose from three). At the beginning of the game, draw three deployment cards. Each player vetoes one card. The remaining one is the deployment for the game. Repeat for Objective and Twist cards. If using Ruse or Sudden death cards, draw a single card as per normal.

This allows each player to get rid of a game type or special rule they don’t like or that they feel gives too much of an advantage or disadvantage. –This is an easy fix and does a ton to bring balance into the equation.

What are your thoughts on these rules coming to 40k? Will you try out an Open War Game with the “choose from three” house rule? Would a Wrist-mounted rule help Grey Knights be any more competitive? Should vehicles be able to shoot while tied up in combat?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!