Flyers To Become OP Again? More Secrets REVEALED

By Rob Baer | April 27th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see some exciting new pictures and some sleuthing we’ve done for the upcoming Death from the Skies supplement!

If you’re confused about the new supplement, well you’re not the only one.

First checkout the image that surfaced this morning:

Source: IMGUR



So from this it looks like those all those “squishy” Armor 10 flyers are about to get an upgrade, and GW warns to take lots of Skyfire to deal with them.

Plus it looks like some types of flyers will no longer have the skyfire rule either, making them vunerable to these fighters!

So what will be in the book, well lets count them up:

Marines: 3 now, SW  2, DA 2, IG 2, Eldar 2, DE 2, Necrons 2, Tau 2, Chaos 1, and Orks 4 which equals 22 total. They stated in the book there is 23 new datasheets, so either we counted wrong OR it’s possible that some of those flyers that are basically variants of each other are not counted as individual models.
Perhaps GW is counting FLYING MONSTROUS CREATURES too? Magic 8 Ball says shake again…
Also note that even though this dope piece of art was the inset cover of the last book, the Heldrake did NOT appear in it!

Either way it ooks like BIG changes are coming to 40k, as even flyers themselves are getting quite a few updates in the new Death From The Skies supplement.

Checkout the rest of the pictures below on the roundup:

New 40k Death From The Skies Release

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