For the Machine God! Warzone Atlanta: Army Showcase

Fabio Van Der merwe mechanicusComing in hot from Warzone Atlanta, this mechanized army hit the tabletops full of conversions and armor plating. Take a closer look at this showcase!

Warzone Atlanta brought some amazing armies under one roof to roll some dice. Bringing the presence of Omnissiah in a new way to the tabletop, this entirely-mechanized list was turning heads!

warzone atlanta

For the Machine God! Warzone Atlanta: Army Showcase

By Fabio Van Der Merwe

for the machine god 1Before we jump into the army, it’s important that we admire the level of detail that went into the entire display board. From an extremely realistic mountainside basing to the fortress built into the canyon wall, this army was looking extra fly at the event. The army even has it’s own name called War Griffons Cybernetica.

for the machine god 2Jumping directly into the list, the amount of basing on these models is incredible and matches seamlessly with the display. On top of that, this hobbyist used models from the Horus Heresy to give his collection a unique look.

for the machine god 3Hanging out in the back, we have a Knight that is rocking a thermal lance and avenger gatling cannon. While the rest of this list would stand in the way and tie down enemy units, this Knight could freely pop both armor and elite infantry.

for the machine god 4With this mechanical masterpiece, the top half is from a Forge World Horus Heresy Siege automata while the lower half looks to be the legs to a Skitarii Dunecrawler. Staying true to fashion in Gryphonicus colors, this model makes it look like the Mechanicum has been busy devising new tech.

for the machine god 5And lastly, little Servitor puppies hit the field for some objective grabbing and help at taking up a bigger footprint for the army.

While this army had a relatively low model count, each unit came packed with detail. Outstanding job flexing those hobby muscles!

What’s your favorite unit out of this army? Do you use Horus Heresy models as conversion platforms in your army?

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