Forge World 40k FAQ Updates Orks, Kroot & Eldari

By Wesley Floyd | November 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Eldar, Forge World, Orks, Tau, Warhammer 40k News

Ork Feature wal hor

Now that the Ork Codex is basically here, Forge World went ahead and updated their Index as well. Take a look at the latest!

Forge World is keeping pace with the releases. They’ve just updated the FW Index: Xenos. Let’s take a look at the latest FAQs and rules updates.

Forge World 40k FAQ Updates Orks, Kroot & Eldari

fw index xenos

With the codex right around the corner, Forge World was proactive and brought all of their Orks up to speed. All Ork datasheets got Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! added to their rules and simple Clan keywords were handed out to some name characters. That way, they can benefit from the Kulturs and stratagems.

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The Stompa can move over Infantry units and fire its weapons without penalty just like Knights. It also gets cover saves if at least half of it is behind some LOS blocking terrain.

Like we’ve said before, it’s nice to see Forge World so quick to release the updated rules and keywords for their models. We can throw out any models on the table when we get our hands on the codex and not have to worry about anything lacking.

With that being said, Forge World also had this to say:

It is an unfortunate truth that we can’t continue indefinitely to sell and support every model we’ve ever made. As we make new models, and new books to explore their background and rules, we have to stop producing and featuring some older models. But just like many of you, we still treasure our collections of older miniatures, and we still want to be able to use them in games and forge glorious narratives on the tabletop!

These old out of print models got updated datasheets, however, they’ve said that these are strictly for Open/Narrative play as they don’t have any points values. 

Ork Models Updated

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Eldar Models Updated

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Tau Models Updated

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And there you have it. the Forge World Index: Xenos FAQs laid out before you. Most of the updates were all geared toward the Orks and their new Codex. Do you think they could have given those out of print models some points to be used in Matched play games? Are you happy with the updates? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.