New Custodes & T-Sons: FW Previews for Warhammer Fest

cold november of the 31st millenium by noldofinveWarhammer Fest is almost here and we’re getting a look at some more Forge World minis that will be available for the first time at the event.

Warhammer Community just gave us another preview of some minis that will be available for everyone attending Warhammer Fest. Let’s take a look.

This weekend is Warhammer Fest, and amongst the new models on sale for the first time are some new heroes of the XV Legion.

We’ve seen Magnus already, but what we haven’t seen yet is the incredible scenic base that is available alongside him. For those of you who want to recreate the titanic clash of Russ and the Crimson King at the height of the battle for Prospero, this is a must have for your collection.

Russ Magnus Diorama

Also out first at Warhammer Fest is Amon of the Thousand Sons. This is the second Thousand Sons Space Marine Character we’ve seen for the Legion, and the first from Forge World. The detail and iconography on this miniature sit perfectly alongside the stunning prosperine units we’ve seen already.


While browsing through the Forge World Facebook page we also came across this hidden gem. It’s an image of how the how the various Legion and Custodes Dreadnoughts measure up. Never has a Marine felt this small.

Dreadnought Scale

For everyone that can’t attend Warhammer Fest this year there’s no need to worry, the minis that will be available there will soon be available for everyone else. But we’ve all heard Games Workshop say soon before, so let’s hope we don’t have to wait that long.

What are your thoughts on the new Magnus and Amon models? Are you planning on getting either one, or both, when they get released? Are you planning on attending Warhammer Fest this year? Let us know in the comments below.

Be sure to check back in with us throughout the weekend, we’ll be covering Warhammer Fest, and bringing you the latest news from the event.

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