Forge World Teases New Heresy Minis for Warhammer Fest

horus heresy wallpaperGames Workshop just gave us a preview of two new amazing looking Horus Heresy minis that will be coming our way during Warhammer Fest.We’re getting our first look at the Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought and Magnus the Red minis that will make their debut at Warhammer Fest. Let’s see what they had to say about them on Warhammer Community.

There will, of course, be new Horus Heresy models on sale at Warhammer Fest. And we have one to show you today. Say hello to the newest member of the Dreadnought brotherhood – the Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought.

Custodian Heavy Dreadnought


This guy towers over even a Contemptor Dreadnought, with a bulk comparable to the Leviathan class, but in an artificer wrought hull. That would be deadly enough, but it’s also piloted by one of the Emperor’s personal warrior bodyguards – this guy is going to kick face.

One other model available first will be Magnus the Red. We have had quite a few of you ask for a size comparison next to one of the other Primarchs so you can tell how big he is, so here’s the Crimson King next to one of his little brothers:

FW Magnus Scale

Since the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 was announced, we’ve had questions about the future of the Horus Heresy game. Warhammer 40,000 models from Forge World, as we already know, will get full rules for the new edition, but what about those games set in the bloody time of the Age of Darkness?

Well, we can let you all know today, Forge World will be talking about the future of Horus Heresy games at Warhammer Fest this year.

Here’s a few shots that we have of the new Magnus from the Heresy Weekender, along with a preview of the new Horus Heresy book in line for the series:

Horus Heresy Magnus Headshot Closeup

Horus Heresy Magnus Headshot

And this magnificent comparison image of the new dreadnought:

Legio Custodes 'Heavy Dreadnought'

Angelus Preview:

Angelus-1 book VIII

Who’s in the book:

  • The Blood Angels Legion
  • The Dark Angels Legion
  • Daemons
  • The Dark Mechanicum
  • The Night Lords Legion

What goes on in the book:

  • Several narratives concerning the campaigns and battles of the Blood Angels and the Dark Angels through the early Horus Heresy and the Age of Darkness.
    • Signus Prime
    • The Thramas Crusade
    • The Persecution of Sarum
    • The Siege of Baal
    • The Passage of the Angel of Death
  • Background and history for the Dark Angels and Blood Angels
  • The Rise of the Dark Mechanicum
  • Daemons and Diabolism in the Horus Heresy!
  • New rules for the:
    • Blood Angels and Dark Angels
    • Night Lords
    • Dark Mechanicum
    • Daemon units

A Heavy Dreadnought and Magnus are both good looking minis. But one thing they threw in that caught our eye was the future of Horus Heresy… It hasn’t really been spoken about much since the announcement of 8th and Warhammer Fest looks to be when we’re going to find out GW’s & FW’s plans for Horus Heresy. So make sure you check back in with us for the coverage on the event.

What do you think the plans are for Horus Heresy? What do you think about the new Magnus and Dreadnought models? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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