Forge World’s New Release Lineup REVEALED!

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Forge World just released some new Legion Moritat and Iron Warriors miniatures. Come take a look at the latest pre-order items, they look amazing!


Tyrant Siege Terminators


Tyrant Siege Terminators are the vanguard of any Iron Warriors siege breaker formation. Clad in thick Cataphractii plate and spitting a relentless hail of high explosive missiles from their cyclone missile launchers, these implacable warriors are fortress-breakers of unparalleled skill. The bleak spectacle of these warriors wading through storms of lasfire and shell, stoically smashing apart any obstacle before them with chainfist and krak blast, became synonymous with Perturabo’s wrath unleashed.

Tyrant Siege Terminators

Add these Tyrant Siege Terminators to your Iron Warriors army with this multi-part resin kit. It makes 5 Terminators, armed with combi-bolters and cyclone missile launchers, which are mounted atop their carapaces. They feature power fists, and there is a targeter in the kit, used to identify the Tyrant Siege Master. Each model exemplifies the chunky lines and dense armour that Terminators are made of, with accessories including bionic limbs. The parts included are interchangeable between the models, meaning you can make your Terminators unique.

Tyrant Siege Terminators

Rules for these models can be found in The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions.

This kit comprises 46 components, and is supplied with 5 40mm round bases.


Moritat Volkite Serpenta


Said by some to be no less than death incarnate, and by others to be dishonourable murderers with no place in the Imperium’s order of battle, Moritats are lone killers operating outside the Legion’s usual command structures at the behest, or at least sufferance of its high commanders. Regarded usually as dangerously unstable outcasts —perhaps created by some seldom-exposed flaw of gene-seed or indoctrination— they are also savage and proficient warriors however, having become one with the act of killing, honing their superhuman reflexes to gun down the foe at close quarters to a preternatural degree.

Moritat Volkite Serpenta

Operating outside the Legion command structure, occasionally serving alongside the ranks of the Legion Destroyer squads, this model will prove a great addition to any Space Marine collection. With two volkite serpenta connected to the included jump pack by an ammo feed capable of launching an incredible amount of constant firepower, and a targetter watching the battlefield for victims, the Moritat’s detailed miniature – including a symbol on the right shoulder pad, specifically created for the Moritat – can be painted to fit in with any Legion’s colour scheme.

Moritat Volkite Serpenta

Rules for this model can be found in The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List.

This multi-part resin kit comes as 10 components, and is supplied with a 32mm scenic round base featuring a rock for the Moritat’s elevated pose, and an unfortunate Space Marine’s detached head.


Moritat Plasma Pistols


Said by some to be no less than death incarnate, and by others to be dishonourable murderers with no place in the Imperium’s order of battle, Moritats are lone killers operating outside the Legion’s usual command structures at the behest, or at least sufferance of its high commanders. Regarded usually as dangerously unstable outcasts – perhaps created by some seldom-exposed flaw of gene-seed or indoctrination – they are also savage and proficient warriors however, having become one with the act of killing, honing their superhuman reflexes to gun down the foe at close quarters to a preternatural degree.

Moritat Plasma Pistols

Operating outside the Legion command structure, occasionally serving alongside the ranks of the Legion Destroyer squads, this model will prove a great addition to any Space Marine collection. Wielding two plasma pistols, connected to the included jump pack via plasma feed cables capable of launching an incredible amount of constant firepower, the Moritat’s detailed miniature – including a symbol on the right shoulder pad, specifically created for the Moritat – can be painted to fit in with any Legion’s colour scheme.

Moritat Plasma Pistols

Rules for this model can be found in The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List.

This multi-part resin kit comes as 10 components, and is supplied with a 32mm scenic round base featuring a rock for the Moritat’s elevated pose, and an unfortunate Space Marine’s detached head.

These are some amazing looking minis that are now up for pre-order. Be sure to head on over to Forge World and order yours today!

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