Fractured Pavement Bases From Elrik’s Hobbies: Unboxing & Paint

Elriks Feature UnboxingToday Rob takes a look at the new fractured pavement bases from Elrik’s. If you’ve been looking for basing alternatives, check this out.

We are going to show you all the different sizes they have available, what the bases look like unpainted, and some finished bases. That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars to make your army look better on the tabletop.

Let’s go!

Fractured Pavement Bases From Elrik’s Hobbies: Unboxing

They Have All The Sizes:

All base sizes


All the Base Sizes


Elriks base sizesA ton of the game systems are changing their base sizes constantly. Elrik’s Hobbies really understands the conundrum and they have basically every base size available! For this style of base alone they have over 20 sizes, pretty crazy! You can even get the flier base with this set so it fits in the rest of your army.

For those who don’t want to rebase everything, they even have base size converters so you can keep your existing bases. Just pop them in the new size converter and go.

This is just one style they offer, check out their site to see all kinds of crazy cool styles.

Painted Bases

Painted BasesKenny From Next Level Painting did the painted bases on their site. He does a great job of really making it look like an old beat-up road, from the yellow lines to the faded pavement. You have a great opportunity here because you can change the paint scheme to match whatever army you want!

Painting guideElrik’s even put up some painting guides on their Facebook to help you decide which scheme to go with and how to do it. This scheme is a much more muted scheme than Kenny’s. Basically any type of city you want to fight over, you can.

The Bigger Bases

Favorite BasesThey sent Rob all 20 plus sixes to look at. But he’s going to be pulling some of his favorites and the unique sizes to show how you can really utilize them.

170 Size BaseThe 170mm size is perfect for any knight size model with enough flat ground to fit the giant feet on there. The bases are very well done and multi-layered,  so you can do a ton with it while painting.

110 base size


90 Base SizeThe 110mm and 90mm sizes are kind of in the middle but a lot more minis are starting to use those base sizes. Both bases have tons of features on them but still, have plenty of flat ground for larger models. You can really let your imagination run wild with bases this large.

The Smaller Guys

32 MM


25 MM BasesThe 25mm and the 32mm are really cool because they give you some chonky bases to add height to the smaller minis, and some thinner ones, to keep them closer to the original size. Just nice to be able to add some variety if you want to. Both the 25mm and the 32mm feature a lot of really awesome terrain on the base so you can tie them in with your bigger minis.

The Flying Base

Flying BaseWe’ve talked about these a little before, but they are awesome! If you have a GW flying stand it fits in there perfectly. For holding it steady Rob likes to use blue-tac instead of glue. It keeps the mini solid and won’t mess up the base. Rob has even put some 2-pound fliers on there with that setup and hasn’t had any issues!

Spikey Bits’ Painted Version

Tim Painted BaseThis base was painted by our very own Tim! He added a ton of cool little details in there, like the faded out arrow, water, and the grass. All three of the painted bases we’ve seen have looked really different, but all awesome. Basically anything scheme you want to use will look cool.

They Have All Kinds Of Cool Bases!

Other Bases


Industrial base


Rocky Base


Bases for Iron WarriorsAll of their bases just look so awesome when painted up! Rob currently uses four out of the six for armies already and is finding a new use for the road bases as we speak!

That does it for this unboxing. If you’ve been looking from some great bases, go check out everything Elrik’s Hobbies has to offer.

Get Your Fractured Pavement Bases From Elrik’s Hobbies

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