Free Orc Rider STL from Hardcore Miniatures!

Orc feature rYou can go grab this free Orc Rider STL right now from Hardcore Miniatures! Nothing wrong with free, check it out!

Hardcore Miniatures whipped up this amazing looking Orc and have decided to just give it away for free. You can always leave them a little something if you want, but that’s totally up to you.

Hardcore Miniatures has come out with a ton of awesome stuff this year, including the Orkbuster Megaboss. So it only makes sense they would close the year with a killer and free STL! Enough talking about it though, let’s jump into the Orc STL!

Free Orc Rider STL from Hardcore Miniatures!

Free Orc RiderThe STL is amazing! It perfectly captures the feel of a certain one that just came out, but it’s free, so obviously it’s better! Here are the instructions for getting the file:

1) Go to the site, section digital products.
2) Find Hardcore Rider (that’s the name of this mini)
3) Order. It costs 0$ but you can add a reward for us if you like, that’s 100% optional.
4) Wait for the email from me, check your spam folder. I will send them before the New Year!

Free Orc Rider 2You can even print him with a Santa hat and get ready for Christmas 2021.

Free Orc Rider 3You can’t have a good Orc rider without a proper jacket and this guy definitely has the right one! If you love what Hardcore Miniatures is up to, check out what else they have going on here.

Size Comparison orcIt looks pretty great when printed and sizes up great with a Primaris Marine!

Don’t Have a Printer? Don’t Worry!

Free Orc Rider 4You can grab this guy from our 3d MTO Marketplace if you don’t have a 3D printer, but if you have a printer, just go ahead and download it for free!

That does it for this one, just a really awesome file and gesture from Hardcore Miniatures. What are you waiting for? Go get your free file!

Get Your Free Orc Rider STL Here!