We’re back from Adepticon and we had a hell of a time, but now it’s back to your regularly scheduled comic update! Checkout the new Eagle Ordinary!
To all of those who came out to see us at our booth at Adepticon, thank you for stopping by and offering your kind words and support! We met a ton of great folks and had a blast. Speaking of making new friends:
Man, I love this random, goofy Merovech guy. He reminds me of my favorite Only War NPC companion of all time: Farkus.
Farkus was a whiny, lazy, underachieving scrub who hated everything. He also would not die, despite my repeated efforts to get rid of him.
When he was finally run through by a Carnifex, I held his bleeding, broken body and lamented that now, he would never repay me for all the lho sticks and amasec he’d mooched off of me over the years. Alas, poor Farkus.
We’re still sharing our Adepticon recaps on our pages! Check us out to see all the good stuff! Right now we’re going through Kaiser’s comissions, like this sweet Knight Acheron:
You can find more commission shots on our pages!
At Ease, Ordinaries! It’s great to be back!
Keep up with us on our Facebook page! Eagle Ordinary Facebook Page
See you next week, Ordinaries!
Visit for back Issues -Eagle Ordinary Comic Page.