Frozen Knight of The North: Conversion Corner

There are many myths surrounding the Vikings. Some say that they once lived in the realm of ice giants, but who would believe that?

Come see one amazing model submitted to us by Aaron Moshier.

Aaron did such a good description for us, I’ll just let him tell you about it. Here is the work in progress on my Space Wolves Imperial Jotun.

 I wanted to make it mesh thematically as my superheavy/lord of war solution for my Space Wolves list so I set out to model it with a Norse mythology theme.

I was originally trying to base if on the demon Surtur but wasn’t feeling the whole flaming sword thing, so I went for the Jotun/frost giant vibe instead, kitbashing the standard Knight Errant with a Thundertusk kit from Warhammer fantasy and some melted flyer stands for icicles. 

GW gives you a slew of head options in the knight box so I figured id make the most of it and try to represent some engine kills on his shoulder to give him a bit history. 

I like to keep my space wolves looking like they are really toeing the line of Chaos corruption, I run some heavily converted Wulfen dreads with various spikey bits alongside large packs of Wulfen, and I think that this guy fits right in with that aesthetic and the rest of my list as a whole. I hope you guys like it! 

“We come from the land of ice and snow!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!