FTGT Hobby Challenge – JAN Update

By Evan Slagle | January 24th, 2015 | Categories: Conversions, Warhammer 40k News

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With the start of the new year, it’s also the end of the first month of the FTGT Hobby Challenge.

For those who haven’t checked out the challenge or the Facebook page, the Hobby challenge is a six month challenge where each month participants complete a piece of an army. At the end of the contest, participants should have either a new army or a lot more options for an existing army.

As I said last month, my planned challenge for December was a box of  Fire Warriors and a Devilfish, coming in just under the budget of $75. I’ll admit, with the holidays and being out of town, I ran a couple days over. But without further ado, my December contributions to my new Tau army:

As I mentioned above, the Facebook group includes some talented hobbyists also participating in the challenge. Check out some of their work their or some of the sneak peaks below: