FTN Podcast Surprise Mid-Week Bonus Episode

By Rob Baer | April 10th, 2013 | Categories: Podcast, Warhammer 40k News

Today we have a sweet bonus episode for you to checkout!

This episode was a guest appearance by video game voice actor Zach Hanks, and of course features our usual dives into nerdom.

Zach is a voice actor from the Dawn of War video game series, as well as more mainstream game projects as well.

His most recent project was providing voice talents for the video game Dishonored. He has quite the catalog of video game credits from Call of Duty to Diablo III, and even has some TV cartoon roles under his belt as well.  It was fun to talk someone with that much exposure that was still a nerd too!

Here is a list of Zach voice work credits on IMDB Checkout the bonus episode below!

Each episode will be about an hour long.  This ideally gives you something neat to listen to on your way to work, or on the way back home.  Maybe you can even listen while you are painting or modeling!

FTN mostly focuses on 40k,  but again you will see in the first few episodes we take a severe deep dive into nerdom.  These have been a blast to record and I hope they help pass the time for you.

Alternatively you can subscribe via your own iTunes, and it should update our podcast when we post a new one.

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