Fulgrim the Phoenician Talks About 8th Edition & 30k

By Jack Stover | April 26th, 2017 | Categories: jstove, satire, Warhammer 40k News


Come check out the latest masterpiece from Jstove. Fulgrim the Phoenician gives us some of his thoughts on 8th edition and how 30k doesn’t change.

Hello there Citizens of the Imperium.

It is I, Fulgrim the Phoenician, back when I was ridiculously beautiful and perfect and before I got really into Black Sabbath and warp dust and turned into a giant Slaanesh boob snake man thing.

Ha ha! Daemon primarch. Fantastic.fulgrim_striking_ferrus_manus

I bet you’ve heard the news from Adepticon about the new edition of 40k. Exciting, isn’t it?

Maybe for some of you. Maybe for some of you not likely.

But look over here. In my hand.

It’s a rulebook, printed in a paper mill on my home planet of Chemos, the most perfect and efficient planet in the galaxy before it was bombed into garbage because I turned traitor.

Witness it’s leather bound splendor and gilded edges. Yes. It’s pretty. Almost as pretty as me.

It’s called Horus Heresy, and it’s a book that doesn’t change. Really, it’s too expensive and beautiful to change.

Look back at your army. Is it Space Marines? Guard? Mechanicum? Chaos? Even dare I say it, Orks or Eldar?

Look back at me. I’m gorgeous.

Look at your army again.

It’s a 30k army now, and it’s immune to the changes of 8th edition. Fantastic.

But what if 30k is just Marines and more Marines?

Well it’s not. You can do lots of things, like have legion rules. Look here, in my hand, it’s a storm shield. Only Imperial Fists and Salamanders get them. Look back at your army. THE ARMY IS NOW SALAMANDERS.

Now look back at my hand. The storm shield is now a Sonic Shrieker. Ha. Third Legion. MAJESTIC.

Look at your land speeder. Now look at my javelin, the land speeder your land speeder wishes it was. I’ve got lascannons.

Look at your tournaments. Now back to me. I’m glorious.


When you buy Forge World, you’re buying better rules for an edition you still like that didn’t change. Anything is possible when you play 30k.

Look in my hand.

The rule book is now diamonds.

And remember friends, Tau players aren’t people.

I’m on a Stormbird.

kool aid

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