Future Proof Your 40k Codex: Hard Copy VS Digital

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How do you future proof your codex? We’ll be taking a look at the pros and cons to the hard copy and digital downloads for your Warhammer games.

Codexes have historically been sold as a hard copy way longer than the digital download era. That being said, there also has never been more frequent updates than 8th edition. See where we’re going with this?

The Pros and Cons of a Hard Copy Codex

imperial knights codex

Hard copy codexes are great…initially. They have all of the points, wargear, and perhaps the most important, stratagems in one handful. There’s also something great about the tactile feeling of having all of the information for your army in your hands. It’s just easier to navigate than an iPad enhanced version (or PDF)

That being said, the codex life expectancy of relevance has never been shorter. With the erratas hitting twice per year, the Imperial Knight codex basically turned into a fancy paperweight. Even stratagem wording has been changed. The only real reason to buy a codex months after an army’s release is to read up on the fluff section and check out the different paint schemes.

Codex Space Wolves Collector's Edition

If you remember back to the Space Wolves codex release, there was a misprint in the Warlord Traits section which was identified before the codex even dropped. GW had to update the problem and fix it over the online formats but couldn’t really do much about the books that were already printed. The main problem with a hard copy codex is that once it’s printed, you can’t make changes. 

Digital Download Codexes

 Imperial Armour Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum apple books


If you go with the digital download route, you sacrifice the tactile feel of having a book in your hand and have to worry about keeping your things charged. That can actually be difficult if you’re playing in an all-day tournament. However, the bright side is that for one purchase, you’re able to keep a codex that continually gets updated.


Looking at a recent update to the Sabre Weapons Battery unit, the Imperial Armor Astra Militarum digital download already has the update as a part of the unit’s datasheet. The online datasheets are getting updated as erratas drop which translates into a longer life expectancy for your faction’s rules.  Although there can be a few weeks delay in between the announced changes, and the digital roll-out.

What Will You Do For the Choas Knights & Space Marine Codex Books?

Chaos Knights Codex



The Chaos Knights included all of the same Knight platforms as the Imperial Knight codex. The Imperial Knights shaped the meta in a new way which resulted in multiple points changes and rewordings. Following the trend, we can expect to see Chaos Knights make a big hit in 40k’s the meta. If this holds true, we might be seeing updates for the book, ultimately making the hard copy obsolete. However, it really comes down to how well these guys will perform on the table.

new codex supplements Space marineAs you also know the Space Marine codex is essentially a 2.0 version of the same book from 2017 ( although it doesn’t say that).  It too will get updated as errata hits twice each year as well.  Surely there will be changes to this book, as nearly 10 other supplements will refer back to it now.

At the end of the day, which do you prefer? Do you like to get more bang for your buck and buy the digital copy of your rules? Or do you still grab a hard copy codex and make the most of it while you can? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!