Affordable New Modular Terrain Set Futureproofs 40k Tables

FutureProof Modular Wargaming Terrain Warhammer 40k 11Futureproof your Warhammer 40k terrain with this modular set that can be assembled like LEGOs and then packed back up after a game.

We talked with the team behind the new modular terrain system and are very excited about this one! They are taking the idea of LEGOs and applying it to Warhammer 40k to make terrain that fixes many common pitfalls with the game.

Today, we will look at the types of terrain setups you can make with the upcoming project and how you can reserve your set! This will be hitting Kickstarter from Snot Goblin Games soon, so be sure to follow the project by clicking here!

Futureproof & Build Modular Tables With This New Warhammer 40k Terrain!

We talked with them about what’s included in the project, possible terrain setups, the basic building blocks of the terrain, and more.

FutureProof Modular Wargaming Terrain 3 warhammer 40k

What are the building blocks of the terrain pieces?

The building blocks of the terrain are the base sections. There are two types:
ones with an attached floor, and ones without a floor. This allows for all types of configurations, where you can build tall ruins with a platform for nice vantage point for your sniper units… or you can build them up strictly as walls with no floors attached to block line of sight.

Futureproof Modular Tables Warhammer 40k Terrain Futureproof Modular Tables Warhammer 40k Terrain

How many pieces are actually in the project?

A full table set has over FIVE HUNDRED plastic components. I won’t bore you with it here, but there will be a full list of how many of each component will be in each set. For a visual idea, this is half of a component expansion set. One full table set will be comprised of roughly 20 times the components in the expansion set photo.

Futureproof Modular Tables Warhammer 40k Terrain

What configurations are there, like what layouts could users construct for their tables?

Honestly, it’s limited entirely by your imagination. The default full table set is designed to have enough components to recreate GW’s tournament GT pack terrain recommendations. The good news is that GW’s terrain layouts are dense; so the default is a lot of components. Here’s a render of a table made with the default full table set created to mimic GW’s Layout:

Futureproof Modular Tables Warhammer 40k Terrain

Futureproof Modular Tables Warhammer 40k TerrainAs you can see, you can easily use these layouts to match pretty much any GW table or tournament out there right now. Since it’s all modular, no matter how the rules are updated, you can change your setups!

Reserve This New Modular Set of Terrain Perfect For 40k

FutureProof Modular Wargaming Terrain 3With this launch price, you’ll be hard-pressed to find more functional terrain elsewhere.  Unlock your creativity with modular, interchangeable parts that allow you to construct unique, cinematic battlefields on the fly. From one-man barricades to 10-story mega-fortresses, the possibilities are endless!

FutureProof Modular Wargaming Terrain Warhammer 40k

FutureProof terrain is affordable, looks good, and can mimic tournament setups precisely. Perhaps most importantly, it’s modular enough to stay with the persistent rules changes. This will be hitting Kickstarter from Snot Goblin Games soon, so be sure to follow the project below!

Click Here to Learn More & Reserve Yours!