Primarch Alpharius & Lernaean Terminators Arrive!


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After months of teasing Alpharius is finally here along with his Lernaean Terminators that just went live on Forge Worlds pre-order list. Come see what is new from Nottingham’s finest.

Alpharius is finally here, as Forge World has some stunning new Alpha Legion models no on pre-order, so be sure to check them out as well as their existing lineup.

Primarch Alpharius-£75

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Of all the Primarchs of the Legiones Astartes, Alpharius is without doubt the most steeped in mystery, legend, contradiction and deliberate falsification. Clad in armour forged in the manner of some terrifying beast of ancient Terran myth and armed with a fearsome panoply of weapons of unknown provenance, Alpharius bestrides the battlefield like a figure from legend. Like the hydra he and his Legion take as their symbol, in battle Alpharius fights by repeated attacks from multiple and unexpected quarters. None can predict where or how the Primarch will strike, what weapons he will bring to bear or which of his many different forces will fight at his side. In many cases, the enemy are not even aware they are fighting until the very moment battle is joined, at which point they are already doomed to total and utter defeat.

Lernaean Terminators– £60

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Though the Alpha Legion maintains and fields the entire spectrum of Legiones Astartes unit configurations, few know of the Lernaean Terminator Squads. This is not because they seek to obscure their existence, but rather because they rarely leave behind any witnesses of their deeds. The Lernaeans are, like the beast that is their namesake and the icon of the Legion, an unformed legend and the object of shrouded dread. In battle they advance relentlessly upon the foe, descending with controlled fury and slaying any enemy not driven to rout before them. Having secured their objective, they hold it stubbornly against all counter-attacks, like the great beast with its jaws clamped firmly about its doomed prey.

Scales of the Hydra Bundle– £135

If you want to bundle some Terminators and the big man himself, they’ve got a deal here.

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Legion Headhunter Kill Team– £72.50

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Hot on the new releases is everything Alpha Legion. The doors have the serpents and logos on them so no more having to use that green stuff.

Rhino & Land Raider Doors-£14

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Deimos Rhino Doors-£10

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Coming Soon

There are also new weapon packs for House Goliath that will be available for pre-order soon.

With House Escher now armed to the teeth with a vastly extended range of weaponry, it’s high time the Goliaths evened the odds with an expanded arsenal of their own. Soon, you’ll be able to pick up three new weapon packs, each absolutely crammed with deadly new gear for your gang:

We don’t have a release date for these new House Goliath weapon packs, just that they’ll be available for pre-order soon.

We also got a preview recently of an old Rogue Trader model that is going to be getting revamped.

Very soon, the Land Speeder will be receiving similar treatment, as this classic design is brought to life in glorious resin. The new Forge World Land Speeder captures the spirit of its progenitor perfectly – while the mould lines may be crisper and the detail a lot sharper, there’s no mistaking the influence of Rogue Trader here:


So there you have it, Pre-orders for Alpha Legion are here, and even more, is on the horizon from Forge World so keep an eye out. 

What do you think about the latest items from Forge World? Let us know in the comments below.

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