Forge World Previews New Goliath Weapons Pack

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It looks like we’ll be seeing a new House Goliath weapons pack coming out of Forge World soon. Come take a look at the latest Necromunda, Horus Heresy and 40k previews!

Forge World just gave us a look at a new weapons pack for House Goliath that will be available for pre-order soon. Let’s take a look at the new weapons and see what they had to say.

With House Escher now armed to the teeth with a vastly extended range of weaponry, it’s high time the Goliaths evened the odds with an expanded arsenal of their own. Soon, you’ll be able to pick up three new weapon packs, each absolutely crammed with deadly new gear for your gang:

We don’t have a release date for these new House Goliath weapon packs, just that they’ll be available for pre-order soon. Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates, we’ll be putting them out as soon as we get them.

Goliath Necomunda

So far we’ve seen previews for a couple other releases that we’re still waiting to go on pre-order. The new underground transport vehicle was announced and we still haven’t heard any more on it.

Last month, when we brought you the news from the Horus Heresy & Necromunda Weekender, it included an exciting new vehicle model for Horus Heresy armies, the Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill. Today, we can bring you more information about this specialised transport vehicle.

So what is the Termite? Well, it’s a reimagining of a classic model from days past. The Termite Transporter appeared in a game called Space Marine, which veteran hobbyists may remember as the game of epic battles using smaller scale Citadel miniatures. Models like Titans, Imperial Knights and the Baneblade first appeared in this tiny scale, and the Termite is just the latest in the long line of models from that era to be scaled up for the tabletop.

The Termite is a transport vehicle – but rather than taking them across the ground, or through the air, it burrows deep beneath the earth, launched from a surface transport far behind enemy lines. It uses a combination of melta cutters, phase-shield generators and huge heavy-bore drills to chew through the ground beneath the foe to emerge behind the lines or in the heart of enemy fortifications. The Termite is armed with deadly weapons – with a choice of bolters, volkite chargers or heavy flamers in the kit – that punish any nearby foes before it disgorges its deadly cargo to bring death and ruin.

We’ll be seeing the brand new Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill coming out of Forge World that will be going up for pre-order at some point in the near future.


But wait! There’s more! The new Valdor model will be going on pre-order at the end of the week. Just be mindful of the pre-order date in bold:

Constantin Valdor, Captain-General of the Legio Custodes £60


Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 30th March 2018.

Constantin Valdor sits at the right hand of the Emperor as perhaps His most trusted companion and guardian, a watchman of inviolable purpose and all but unmatched fighting skill. Such in fact is Valdor’s martial power and superhuman physical and mental abilities that there are those, even within the Imperial Court, who have in whispers called him ‘Primarch’ in all but name. This is no doubt a disingenuous claim, as for all his power Valdor was made and trained to serve a different and far more focused purpose, that of Lord Commander of the Custodian Guard, and to Valdor the petty concerns of conquest and glory, dominion and victory are as nothing when compared to his own sworn duty.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble Constantin Valdor. This is an exceptionally detailed model, which painters will delight in tackling – there’s barely any flat surface at all on his ornate power armour, with skulls, eagles and lightning bolts modelled finely on every panel. Chains, furs and strips of cloth feature heavily, with even the greaves featuring sculpted buckles and faces. Over the left shoulder is mounted the head of some great horned creature, while a heavily augmented bird sits on the left. Constantin’s head is bare, with cabling running from his jaw and temples, connecting him to his power armour. He wields the Apollonian spear, which incorporates a bolter and a power blade capable of reducing anything it touches to its component molecules. The model’s base is made up of 3 components – a 40mm round base featuring rocks, ruins and remains upon which Constantin is posed, a 60mm scenic round base providing a backdrop, and a further outcrop which is used to lock the model into the latter.

Constantin Valdor, Captain-General of the Legio Custodes comes as 17 components. Rules can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

In addition to a look at Valdor, last week we got a preview of an old Rogue Trader model that is going to be getting revamped, and available for a limited time.

Very soon, the Land Speeder will be receiving similar treatment, as this classic design is brought to life in glorious resin. The new Forge World Land Speeder captures the spirit of its progenitor perfectly – while the mould lines may be crisper and the detail a lot sharper, there’s no mistaking the influence of Rogue Trader here:


So there you have it, Constantin Valdor is due to be released at the end of the week, and we’ve seen a lot of nice previews of what’s to come for Forge World.

What do you think about the latest items from Forge World? Let us know in the comments below.

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