Galharen’s YouTube is The Place to Get Better at Painting!

painting silver armor rGalharen’s YouTube has a ton of amazing tutorials to get your army ready for the tabletop, especially if you love Grey Knights- check it out!

There are so many great creators out there and we love what they are doing. While we can’t cover all of them (even though it would be great) we wanted to highlight some of our favorites for the month. With the popularity of the hobby rising, supporting alternative channels is a great way to spread the love and help the hobby grow.

Galharen has very easy-to-follow steps in his tutorials, so even if you’re a beginner painter, these tutorials can be super helpful. Plus, he breaks down things into small enough videos that you’ll be able to get them done easily. You can check out his YouTube here, or Instagram here. We’ll take a look at some of his tutorials below!

Galharen’s YouTube is the Place to Get Better at Painting!

painting silver armor 2Here’s the mini we’ll be painting up today a Castellan Crowe. Let’s see how to paint the silver armor on this miniature and get him looking good!

Step 1:

painting silver armor 3Starting with the airbrush, he loads up with Iron Warrior and goes over all the armor with it. Next, he takes Vallejo Silver and does this as a zenithal highlight style across the armor.

Step 2:

painting silver armor 4He uses Candy Blue Ink from Green Stuff World and tries to achieve a mist effect from the airbrush. This will blend the silver together and is super important to do light. He hits all the cracks and deeper areas to break up the silver and give depth to the color. Doing it mainly from the bottom up. For some more final highlights here, he uses Mithril Silver and hits the smallest edges.

Step 3:

painting silver armor 5With Black Ink, he hits the deeper areas to give the armor some depth, he just uses the brush for this. Just hit all the gaps and such to give that 3-dimensional look. Staying with the brush, he goes with Mithril Silver and does some edge highlighting across the model. Then switches to an even lighter Silver from Vallejo to finish off the highlights.

Finished Armor:

painting silver armor 6There you have it! Some great-looking armor without that much trouble!  Check out a finished miniature using this same how to paint silver tutorial:

Galharen draigoHe has tons of great Grey Knights Tutorials, so this is just an example of what he shows!

How to Paint Orc Skin: Galharen Tutorial

how to paint Ork skin 2These are the minis we’ll be painting up today, but the concepts in this can be used for any Ork or Orc out there! Let’s get into it.


how to paint Ork skin 3He primes the models through the airbrush first with Vallejo Black mixed with Hexed Lichen. Then he does a zenithal highlight with a pure white. If you don’t know how to do this type of airbrushing highlight, check out the tutorial here.

Base Coats

how to paint Ork skin 4For this stage, he takes Moss Green Ink from Green Stuff World and thins it with the Airbrush Thinner. He does two coats and just covers all of the skin with it.


how to paint Ork skin 5Now it’s time to break out the brush. The colors he’ll be putting into his wet palette for this stage are Caliban Green, Sick Green, and Scorpy Green. He puts all three onto his palette and starts with the darkest colors, slowly moving up as he does more and more highlights.

Just be sure to mix the colors to get a consistent fade. This is a very time-consuming portion of the paint job. Take your time and build the colors up so it looks very smooth.

Blending the Colors Together

how to paint Ork skin 7Here, you want to mix Hexed Lichen and Dark Red and dilute it heavily. Then, he applies this to the recesses of things like the muscles. Once that is on, he comes back with the green and blends it once more.

Final Highlights

how to paint Ork skin 8Mix Flash Gits Yellow and Scorpy Green for your final highlights. Then, just pick out the very tops of the skin and places that would be hit by light. This will add saturation and make the skin much more interesting.

Finished Minis

how to paint Ork skin 9Obviously, he went through and painted everything else, but you can see just how awesome the skin looks! Again, this is just a taste of what he can do, so be sure to check the links below to get more.

Follow Galharen on Instagram or YouTube

Have you checked out his tutorials yet?

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