Game, OVER- Win a Free Tervigon, Tyrant, or Thunderwolf kit.

By Rob Baer | April 2nd, 2012 | Categories: Monthly giveaway, Warhammer 40k News

Well the contest is official closed now, but wait there’s more!

First off I really do appreciate the all the comments you guys have left on here lately, and I really tried to pack a lot of content into this month.

I’ll be drawing the winners sometime this week, when I have time to get it all drawn and typed up proper-like for everyone to see.

In the mean time lets talk more FREE STUFFS!

I almost forgot that this month marks the three year anniversary of the blog. Hurrah! So we’re going to have to do something about that I think.

Plus Adepticon is this month as well, so you know I’m going to be tweeting and posting up a storm all about that, and of course you won’t want to miss a minute of that coverage either right?

So to celebrate a good many things all at once, this month’s giveaway will reflect what the blog is all about, the hobby. 

More on that soon, but if I was a you, I would make sure to sign up for all the Spikey Bits channels if you haven’t already. Cause you just never know how easy it might be to win more free stuff…

Spikey Facebook
Spikey Twitter
Spikey Blog
Spikey You Tube (featuring over 30 videos about 40k!)

Oh and don’t forget right now we have another small give-away going on in conjunction with our special on the New Citadel paints, that you may want to checkout here.

I think I’m going to run out of things to giveaway shortly… -MBG

Original contest info below, enjoy!


To celebrate the new releases, in a way that everyone can participate in (for FREE of course)- we’re doing another giveaway!
Check it out, this one is really easy too!

All you have to do to enter to win a shiny new Tervigon, Hive Tyrant, or Thunderwolves kit is: Be a follower of Spikey Bits, and post at least one comment on here between now and March 31.

I’ll choose THREE winners, that’s right three winners one for each of the three new kits, from the comments left on the blog by followers.  So the more comments you post the better (not that we need more commenters per ce, it’s just easier to choose from a list in the Disqus menu, and the last “voting” contests ended with shenanigans).

I’ll pick the winners around the end of March/ start of April. So the more posts you make the better, but please don’t spam, and remember the blog rules; no cursing or attacking others.

Oh and here’s the LINK to “follow” the blog.

So that’s it, short and sweet, good luck to everyone! -MBG

(I know, I know… there are Fenrisian Wolves too, but why win a $25 kit when you can win a $50 one, right?)