Games Workshop Officially Absorbs the ITC

gw-tournamentsThe International Tournament Circuit (ITC) is becoming an official part of Warhammer Events as Games Workshop has officially absorbed them.

The ITC has been supporting the competitive Warhammer scene for years, and Games Workshop is now taking over management of the ITC to better support organized play, tournament organizers, and the global hobby community.

Games Workshop Officially Absorbs the ITC

Here is the latest from Games Workshop about Warhammer Events absorbing the ITC:

warhammer tournaments games workshop events team ITC

The ITC is now becoming an official part of Warhammer Events, giving us the chance to make our games more accessible than ever before.
Over the years, the ITC’s passionate team of staff at Frontline Gaming have helped event organisers around the world introduce more people to Warhammer. Games Workshop is now assuming management of the ITC as part of our continuing program to support organised play, tournament organisers, and the global hobby community. Independent events are a vital part of the events ecosystem, and we want to do everything we can to back them up.

Don’t worry; you won’t see any significant changes in how things are run for now, but Warhammer staff will be present when ITC awards are handed out at the 2024 Las Vegas Open. They’ll also be taking input from players and event organizers worldwide to make measured improvements where necessary.

best coast pairings

One significant change is that the global rankings will move from Frontline Gaming to Best Coast Pairings, which is the most popular global platform for Warhammer tournaments.  Games Workshop will also be looking at regional rankings and how different circuits are integrated, as they recognize that the tournament scene in different countries varies significantly.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the months to come from the Warhammer Events team.

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