Games Workshop Reveals the First 40k Releases of 2017

By Rob Baer | December 12th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see the Twelve new box sets that are coming soon! Games Workshop just dropped the first new Warhammer 40k releases for 2017!

In typical mid-month fashion Games Workshop came out swinging, previewing new release items that they did not put in their White Dwarf magazine.

Here’s what they say is on the way for 2017:

A first look at some new, great value sets that will be hitting the shelves in new year.

These are the perfect way to expand a new army (like the one you’re getting for Christmas, since you’ve been so good all year) or to re-visit an existing army that’s just been waiting for a few reinforcements.


99120112025_darkeldarkabaliteskysplinter02 99120113053_optimisedpathfinderteam02 99120102069_csmdesolatorsquad03 99120101173_bloodangelsgaunlettactical03 99120101175_skyhammerwolfpack02 99120106040_tervigonbroodprogenitor02 99120101172_skyhammertacticalsquad02 99120103047_orktrukkboyz04 99120101174_darkangelsgauntletsquad04 99120105067_astramilitarumcadianarmouredfist02 99120110032_warriorarkphalanx02 99120104042_eldardireavengersskyblade02

These are the perfect way to expand a new army (like the one you’re getting for Christmas, since you’ve been so good all year) or to re-visit an existing army that’s just been waiting for a few reinforcements.

A couple of these and an HQ choice would give you a great start to a highly mobile force as the basis of a new army for the new year.

These sets will be available to pre-order on the 31st of December.

Now checkout this line from their release statement:

A first look at some new, great value sets that will be hitting the shelves in new year.

That seems to me to indicate that these sets will be following along in the Start Collecting / Battleforces box set foot steps by providing a super low cost (compared to those sets) alternative to starting the hobby. Or perhaps these are meant to compliment those sets by being the base building blocks of any army.

But don’t overlook the term “Great Value Sets”. I would imagine these will be priced at a reduced cost just buying the box sets separately.

So get ready for another great addition to the star collecting hobby line-up this January, which incidentally is the same weekend those Start Collecting Boxes turn one year old!

battleforce 40k

Games Workshop’s Bundle Deals Bulletin