Games Workshop’s New Releases – FIRST LOOK

By James Rodriguez | April 8th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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This week’s new releases is full of Made to Order classic minis, Shadow Wars terrain, and more! Come take a look at what is coming up for pre-order!

Games Workshop:

Zhar-Naggrund Ziggurats Blood Bowl Team Zhar Naggrund Ziggurats Bundle

Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent

Galvanic Magnavent Galvanic Magnavent Galvanic Magnavent

Dark Elf Blood Bowl Team

Blood Bowl Dark Elves MTO

Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Team

Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarfs MTO

Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl Team

Blood Bowl Chaos Chosen MTO

Sector Mechanicus Ferratonic Furnace

Ferratonic Furnace

Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack

Alchomite Stack Alchomite Stack Alchomite Stack

Blood Bowl Trophies

Blood Bowl Trophies MTO

Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Bull Centaur

Blood Bowl Bull Centaur MTO

Dark Elf Blood Bowl Assassin

Blood Bowl Dark Elf Assassin

There is a ton of classic Blood Bowl minis that are going to be available next week and Made to Order, so expect about a 35 day turnaround after you order. Also, if you don’t want to buy the full box set of Shadow Wars: Armageddon you can now just buy the terrain and get your games started. Check back Sunday for the full description and prices on these new releases from Games Workshop.