Games Workshop’s New Releases: FIRST LOOK

gw mall store horThis week’s pre-order is here and it may be a little surprising for some as it is just one singular item, plus a list of 8th edition pre-orders for next week!

Games Workshop:


sons of the forge

A Horus Heresy novel

Charged by his primarch with removing the mighty power of Vulkan’s cache of deadly artefacts from the grasp of friend and foe alike, the first Forgefather embarks on what might be his final mission.

Nick Kyme expertly bridges the Salamanders’ past and future with a tale that shows the secret origins of the Chapters’s ten thousand year long quest to retrieve Vulkan’s fabled artefacts.

Charged with a solemn duty by the primarch himself, Forgefather T’kell of the Salamanders prepares for what may well be his final journey. Along with a chosen few of the Legion’s elite Firedrakes, he must bear the last seven of Vulkan’s greatest weapons away to the secret vault known as the Wrought, putting them forever beyond the reach of treacherous enemy and well-intentioned ally alike. But word has already spread of these legendary artefacts, and there are many who would see T’kell’s endeavour fail for their own gain – the Salamanders must remain true, no matter what horrors they might face…

Written by Nick Kyme

Editor’s note, 8th Edition Warhammer 40k will go on pre-order the day that this book releases. Mark you calendars June 3rd will have plenty of items to spend your hobby dollars on.


Available to Pre-Order June 3rd:

8th Edition Starter Set $160

Featuring 53 miniatures and includes the hardcover 8th Edition rule book.

  • 53 brand new Citadel miniatures
  • Hardback 40K Rulebook (280 pages)
  • Death Guard book (24 pages)
  • Primaris Space Marines book (24 pages)
  • Core Rules reference booklet (8 pages)
  • Colour assembly guide for all miniatures
  • 12 red D6 dice
  • range ruler
  • Decal sheet for Space Marines

8th edition stock

8th Edition Rulebook: 250+ Pages $60

8th edition stock

8th Edition Index Books: Multiple Factions $25 ea

8th Edition Accessories8th edition stock accessories

Tactical Objective Cards $12.50WH40K Tactical Objectives
Sector Imperialis Objectives $3340K Objective MarkersCommand Dice  $2040K Command DiceCombat Gauge $1040K Combat Gauge
Dark Imperium Novel $32

Remember though the core rules for the new game will be free:

Also, while we’re on the subject of rules, we’ve some great news – the core rules for Warhammer 40,000 will be available for free! You’ll be able to download the Battle Primer PDF on and from June 17th.


Well, there you have it, Sons of the Forge from Black Library is the only pre-order on the schedule for this week from Games Workshop. Everyone is now waiting on June 3rd for the 8th edition pre-order window to open up.