Games Workshop’s New Releases: FIRST LOOK

gw mall store horThis week’s pre-orders are here and so are the new Start Collecting Boxes and Blood Bowl bundles. Come find out the latest release from Games Workshop!

Games Workshop:

Start Collecting Beastclaw Raiders

Start Collecting! Fyreslayers

Start Collecting! Daemons of Slaanesh

Scarscrag Snivellers Collection

The Gouged Eye Collection

Reikland Reavers Collection

Skavenblight Scramblers Collection

Blood Bowl Goblin Team Dice Set

The Gouged Eye Dice Set

Skavenblight Scramblers Dice Set

Reikland Reavers Dice Cube

Well, there you have it, new Start Collecting Boxes and Blood Bowl bundles are up for pre-order on Games Workshop. Be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.