Games Workshop’s New Releases – FIRST LOOK

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Loaded with army bundles, Start Collecting boxes, and the brand new Gathering Storm: Fall of Cadia hard back, this week’s New Releases are a must have!

There’s a lot of great stuff coming our way this week from Games Workshop. Take a peek inside.

Games Workshop:

Gathering Storm Collection

Gathering Storm CollectionFall of Cadia HBEmpyric Storm Cards

Triumvirate of the Imperium

Triumvirate of the ImperiumTriumvirate of the ImperiumTriumvirate of the Imperium

The Gathering Storm: Fall of Cadia

Fall of Cadia HBFall of Cadia HBFall of Cadia HB

Conclave Acquisitorius

Conclave AcquisitororiusConclave AcquisitoriusIMPERIAL KNIGHT WARDENAd Mec Onager Dunecrawler

Wrathful Crusade

Wrathful CrusadeWrathful CrusadeConclave AcquisitoriusTempestus Scions Command

Grand ConvocationGrand Convocation DetachmentGrand Convocation DetachmentStart Collecting SkitariiBallistar

The Hounds of Abaddon

The Hounds of AbaddonThe Hounds of AbaddonDesolator SquadCSM Bikers Repack

Castellans of the ImperiumCastellans of the ImperiumCastellans of the ImperiumAstra MilitarumTempestusStormraven NEW

Start Collecting! DeathwatchStart Collecting! DeathwatchStart Collecting! DeathwatchStart Collecting! DeathwatchStart Collecting! Deathwatch

If you’re planning on starting a new army or just looking to get the most out of your hobby bucks, these New Releases are right up your alley!