Games Workshop’s New Releases – FIRST LOOK

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This weeks new release are packed with Tzeentch and all the items we’ve been getting teasers about for the last couple of weeks! Come check them out!

Games Workshop:

Chanters of ChangeKairicAcolytesBundle KairicAcolytesBundle KairicAcolytesBundle

Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch & DiceDisciplesofTzeentchDiceBundleHB01DisciplesofTzeentchENG02TzeentchDice01

Kairic Acolytes



Ogroid ThaumaturgeOgroidThaumaturge06 OgroidThaumaturge02 OgroidThaumaturge03

Battletome: Disciples of TzeentchDisciplesofTzeentchENG01DisciplesofTzeentchENG05DisciplesofTzeentchENG03

Gaunt SummonerGauntSummoner05 GauntSummoner04 GauntSummoner02

Curseling, Eye of TzeentchCurslingEyeOfTzeentch04CurslingEyeOfTzeentch03CurslingEyeOfTzeentch01

Tzeentch DiceTzeentchDice02 TzeentchDice05 TzeentchDice01

Leman Russ: The Great Wolf (Hardback)


Legends of the Age of Sigmar: City of Secrets (Hardback)CityofSecrets01

Tzeentch Magic CardsDisciplesOfTzeentchCards01

DisciplesOfTzeentchCards05 DisciplesOfTzeentchCards02The Fall of Cadia have brought us a lot of Tzeentch and some pretty amazing looking models. Head on over to Games Workshop to check out these New Releases.