Games Workshop’s New Releases – FIRST LOOK

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Check out this week’s new releases from Games Workshop. The Stormcast Eternals have a some great additions coming there way, come take a look.

Games Workshop:

Deathworld ForestDeath World Forest Death World Forest Death World Forest

Lord-Celestant on StardrakeStormcast Stardrake Stormcast Stardrake Stormcast Stardrake

Vanguard-Hunters Scouting Party

Vanguard Hunters Vanguard Hunters Vanguard Hunters

Battletome: Stormcast Eternals Limited EditionStormcast Battletome Ltd Ed Stormcast Battletome Ltd Ed Stormcast Battletome Ltd Ed

Prosecutors with Stormcall JavelinsProsecutors Prosecutors Prosecutors

Stormcast Eternals EssentialsStormcast Essentials Bundle Stormcast Essentials Bundle Warscroll Cards

Dracothian GuardStormcast Dracothian Castelant Stormcast Dracothian Castelant Stormcast Dracothian Castelant

Unfortunately there’s more to this weeks new releases, but Games Workshop is experiencing some technical difficulties with their site, and we weren’t able to view them all. Check back with us Sunday for the New Release post for the prices, and hopefully the rest of the new releases.