Games Workshop’s New Releases – REVEALED

By Rob Baer | February 6th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k News

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This week’s new releases are packed with Aeldari and new Gathering Storm II minis, as well as the new book: Fracture of Biel-Tan. Come take a look.

Reborn Warhost Detachment $425.50Reborn Warhost


The combined forces of the Aeldari take to the battlefield as a Reborn Warhost. These warriors have heard Yvraine’s words or the call of Ynnead, and fight on, free from the terror of soul death. This collection of the Aeldari’s most skilled is more than equal to the immense burden that destiny has placed upon them.

Reborn Warhost

This bundle allows you to build and field the Reborn Warhost, a detachment from The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan that combines some of the deadliest Aeldari miniatures from the Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins ranges into one combined army. Included:

Reborn Warhost

– a framed and signed commemorative art print by Jes Goodwin limited to a mere 50 individually-numbered copies, as well as 3 artwork cards featuring the Triumvirate of Ynnead from The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan;
– a Ravager,
– a Starweaver,
– a Death Jester,
– a 6-man Harlequin Troupe,
– 2 5-man sets of Dire Avengers,
– a 10-model set of Wyches,
– a Start Collecting! Dark Eldar box set – this adds an Archon, a Raider, 3 Reaver Jetbikes and 10 Kabalite Warriors,
– and a Start Collecting! Eldar box set – this adds a Farseer Skyrunner, a Fire Prism and 3 Windriders.

Aeldari Bladehost $246.50Aeldari Bladehost


The warriors of the Ynnari do not fear death for, in many ways, they are the ancient Aeldari reborn. The bladehosts that fight for Ynnead’s glory are united in this belief, body and soul. Whether they hail from the craftworlds, the webway or the arenas of Comorragh, these expert bladesmen have learned to harness, and even share, the deathly energies they release with each kill. The storm of blades rages faster and faster with each victory they win in the name of the God of the Dead.

Storm Guardians

This bundle nets you the models necessary to assemble an Aeldari Bladehost, a formation from The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan. You’ll receive:

Aeldari Bladehost

– 2 units of Wyches – 20 in total
– 2 Guardian Squads – 22 models in total, including heavy weapons platforms
– 2 Harlequin Troupes – 12 in total
– 2 Storm Guardian Upgrade Packs.

Whispering Ghost Hall $307.75Whispering Ghost Hall


Striding unstoppably forward comes the Whispering Ghost Hall. A gathering of wraith constructs like no other, its ranks are wreathed by a mass of phantoms that howl and wail with bone-chilling intensity. Unlike the ghost warriors of the craftworlds, the undying soldiers that fight for Yvraine have had their souls permanently transferred into their wraithbone shells, returning them to the dark and deadly purpose they possessed when still alive. Such is the power Ynnead has over the spirit world – even long-dead Eldar are given life anew, the better to slay the enemies of their race.

Harlequin Shadowseer

This bundle contains the miniatures necessary to assemble the Whispering Ghost Hall, a formation found in The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan. You’ll receive:

Whispering Ghost Hall

– 1 Farseer,
– 1 Shadowseer,
– 1 Spiritseer,
– 2 Wraithlords,
– 3 sets of 5 Wraithguard

Ynnead’s Net $153.50Ynnaeds Net


Inescapable and inevitable, the net of Ynnead has every living thing caught within its strands. Sooner or later than net will contract, cutting away life with strands of soulsteel and moonlight. It is this cosmos-spanning artefact that these outriders seek to emulate. The shuriken catapults and splinter rifles of Ynnead’s Net cut into the body of the enemy even as the psychic arts of its Warlock leaders cut away the soul – there is no escape. Not even in death.

Reavers NEW

This bundle contains the miniatures necessary to field Ynnead’s Net, a formation from The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan. You’ll receive:

Ynnaeds Net

– a Warlock Skyrunner,
– a set of 2 Skyweavers,
– a set of 3 Windriders,
– a set of 3 Reaver Jetbikes.

Soulbound Vanguard $140.25Soulbound Vanguard


At the core of Yvraine’s warhost is tight-knit cadre of deadly killers, amongst them the same faithful warriors that fought alongside her when she was still a gladiatrix. Many have fought by her side since then – venturing into the hellish dimension of the Warp and emerging all the more powerful for it. The Soulbound Vanguard channel the life forces that rage around the battlefield to bolster their bodies and souls as they dart with preternatural speed from one slaughter to the next.

Dire Avengers

This bundle nets you the models necessary to field the Soulbound Vanguard, a formation from The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan. You’ll receive:

Soulbound Vanguard

– 2 units of Dire Avengers – 10 in total
– a unit of 5 Incubi
– a unit of 10 Wyches.

The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan Collection $125

Triumvirate of the Ynnead


This bundle collects together the new releases around The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan, part two in the Gathering Storm series. It features a copy of The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan, and the Triumvirate of Ynnead:

Triumvirate of Ynnead

This box contains the Triumvirate of Ynnead, 3 miniatures who can be used to field the eponymous formation from The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan. It includes:

The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead, wreathed in a roaring psychic hurricane, invigorating the spirits of the Aeldari around them, the Yncarne comes armed with Vilith-zhar, the Sword of Souls which can take many forms – this miniature includes a sword and a pair of daggers;

Triumvirate of the Ynnead

Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead, clad in the style of the ancient Aeldari and accompanied by a psychic familiar known as a gyrinx, , she carries the Cronesword Kha-vir, the Sword of Sorrows;

The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead, Yvraine’s chosen champion, clad in baroque armour of the ancient Bel-Anshoc style, he channels the lost souls he has accumulated to become an ever-more lethal opponent. He is armed with Asu-var, Sword of Silent Screams.

Supplied with 3 Citadel 32mm Round bases, 1 Citadel 40mm Round base and 1 Citadel 105x70mm Oval base.

The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan

Fracture of Biel-Tan is the second book in the Gathering Storm series. A 136-page hardback/softback, it introduces the Triumvirate of Ynnead – The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead, Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead and The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead – and chronicles the desperate battle to determine the future of the Eldar, and the uneasy alliance that will potentially dictate the fate of the galaxy.

Ynnaed Bundle ENG

Fracture of Biel-Tan is packed with new rules content for Warhammer 40,000:

– Forces of the Aeldari – with these sections of background and rules, you can combine Eldar, Dark Eldar, Harlequins and Ynnari models (including the new Triumvirate of Ynnead) into a single combined force in games of Warhammer 40,000;
– 5 new Formations, Artefacts, Tactical Objectives, the Revenant Psychic Discipline, Army rules and Warlord Traits for the Ynnari faction;
– Datasheets for Yvraine, the Visarch and the Yncarne, as well as datasheets for the Black Guardians of Ulthwé;
– Rules for weapons and equipment used by Craftworld Ulthwé’s strike forces;
– Echoes of War missions – replay key battles from the Fracture of Biel-Tan.

The Gathering Storm: The Story So Far $100Gathering Storm Story so far Bundle


Collecting together two volumes of The Gathering Storm – Fall of Cadia and Fracture of Biel-Tan – this bundle is an excellent way to catch up on the galaxy-shaking events threatening to change the Warhammer 40,000 universe forever.

Fall of Cadia

Fall of Cadia is the first book in the Gathering Storm series. A 136-page hardback/softback, it introduces the Triumvirate of the Imperium – Celestine, the Living Saint, Tech-priest of Mars Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl, and Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax of the Ordo Hereticus – and chronicles the bitter battle to protect Cadia from the grasp of Abaddon the Despoiler.

Fracture of Beil Tan Codex

The Rules

Fall of Cadia contains a wealth of new rules content for Warhammer 40,000:

– full rules for fielding Saint Celestine, Belisarius Cawl and Inquisitor Greyfax with any army of the Imperium:
– Saint Celestine confers Act of Faith on nearby units
– Belisarius Cawl confers the Canticles of the Omnissiah on nearby units
– Inquisitor Greyfax brings 6 new Inquisition Tactical Objectives
– the Triumvirate of the Imperium – a formation bringing these three characters together;
– 6 new Ecclesiarchy Relics and 6 Arcana Mechanicum, usable by Adepta Sororitas and Cult Mechanicus forces;
– the Grand Convocation and Imperial Crusade detachments – combine Cult Mechanicus, Skitarii and Mechanicus Knights in one army, and Black Templars and Adepta Sororitas in another;
– Battlezone: Empyric Storms – rules for raging Warp Storm effects, some of which can be quite drastic: potentially removing invulnerable saves, or halving the effective range of psychic powers…
– 5 new Echoes of War missions.

Fracture of Biel-Tan

Fracture of Biel-Tan is the second book in the Gathering Storm series. A 136-page hardback/softback, it introduces the Triumvirate of Ynnead – The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead, Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead and The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead – and chronicles the desperate battle to determine the future of the Eldar, and the uneasy alliance that will potentially dictate the fate of the galaxy.

Fall of Cadia HB

The Rules

Fracture of Biel-Tan is packed with new rules content for Warhammer 40,000:

– Forces of the Aeldari – with these sections of background and rules, you can combine Eldar, Dark Eldar, Harlequins and Ynnari models (including the new Triumvirate of Ynnead) into a single combined force in games of Warhammer 40,000;
– 5 new Formations, Artefacts, Tactical Objectives, the Revenant Psychic Discipline, Army rules and Warlord Traits for the Ynnari faction;
– Datasheets for Yvraine, the Visarch and the Yncarne, as well as datasheets for the Black Guardians of Ulthwé;
– Rules for weapons and equipment used by Craftworld Ulthwé’s strike forces;
– Echoes of War missions – replay key battles from the Fracture of Biel-Tan.

Black Guardian Vyper Squadron $75Viper Squadron


Appearing as dark blurs in the sky, the Vypers of Ulthwé zoom in, heavy weapons spitting to blast open the unwitting foe’s heaviest war assets. When these squadrons are despatched in great hunting packs, there is no monstrous mutant or Daemon-possessed war machine they cannot take down in a single pass.

Viper Squadron

Skilfully piloted, they can emerge from the tightest capillaries of the webway at great speed, appearing from nowhere to deal death in high quantities.

Viper Squadron

This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts needed to build a Black Guardian Vyper Squadron – 3 Vyper Jetbikes with pilots and gunners, with weapon options including bright lances, star cannons, missile launchers, shuriken cannon and scatter lasers. Supplied with 3 large flying bases.

Triumvirate of Ynnead $75Triumvirate of the Ynnead


Though the chosen of Ynnead are extremely dangerous in their own right, when they marshal their strength as one they have the power to alter the fate of the galaxy. Striding majestically at the front comes Yvraine, high priestess of the Whispering God; by her side is the Visarch; and hovering above like a macabre angel is the Yncarne. Though these three are surrounded by an air of morbid power, they represent the Aeldari race’s greatest hope for a dramatic rebirth.

Triumvirate of the Ynnead

This box contains the Triumvirate of Ynnead, 3 miniatures who can be used to field the eponymous formation from The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan. It includes:

The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead, wreathed in a roaring psychic hurricane, invigorating the spirits of the Aeldari around them, the Yncarne comes armed with Vilith-zhar, the Sword of Souls which can take many forms – this miniature includes a sword and a pair of daggers;

Triumvirate of the Ynnead

Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead, clad in the style of the ancient Aeldari and accompanied by a psychic familiar known as a gyrinx, she carries the Cronesword Kha-vir, the Sword of Sorrows;

The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead, Yvraine’s chosen champion, clad in baroque armour of the ancient Bel-Anshoc style, he channels the lost souls he has accumulated to become an ever-more lethal opponent. He is armed with Asu-var, Sword of Silent Screams.

Supplied with 3 Citadel 32mm Round bases, 1 Citadel 40mm Round base and 1 Citadel 105x70mm Oval base.

Storm Guardians $54.25Storm Guardians


Although they lack the protection afforded by Aspect armour, Storm Guardians fight with all the skill and grace of their kind. Their blades sweep into the foe, chopping through limbs and joints before the enemy can retaliate. Where warriors hide behind armoured hulls or hunker down in cover, this militia will bring fusion guns and flamers to the fore, forcing their quarry into the open and beginning the slaughter in earnest.

Black Guardians

Contained in this bundle is everything you need to make a set of 8 Storm Guardians. You’ll receive an Eldar Guardian Squad* and a Storm Guardian Upgrade pack, featuring 22 resin heads and weapons.

Storm Guardians

*this includes a heavy weapons platform with two members – this cannot be upgraded to Storm Guardian.

Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan $50


Though they long ago learned how to stave off the vile attention of She Who Thirsts – known as Slaanesh in the tongues of men – the Time of Ending yet tightens its grip on the Eldar. No matter the methods they use to escape the notice of the god who haunts them, the Eldar sacrifice much in the process.

Some Eldar refuse to abandon the glorious dream of building their ancient empire anew – or at least burning brightly before the end. Eldrad Ulthran, High Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwé, puts into place a plan to bring forth Ynnead, the slumbering God of the Dead. A daemonic host assaults Biel-Tan, corrupting its infinity circuit. Unlikely alliances are formed in the face of desperation. And the Gathering Storm darkens over the entire galaxy…

Fracture of Beil Tan Codex

The Book

Fracture of Biel-Tan is the second book in the Gathering Storm series. A 136-page hardback, it introduces the Triumvirate of Ynnead – The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead, Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead and The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead – and chronicles the desperate battle to determine the future of the Eldar, and the uneasy alliance that will potentially dictate the fate of the galaxy.

The Rules

Fracture of Biel-Tan is packed with new rules content for Warhammer 40,000:

– Forces of the Aeldari – with these sections of background and rules, you can combine Eldar, Dark Eldar, Harlequins and Ynnari models (including the new Triumvirate of Ynnead) into a single combined force in games of Warhammer 40,000;
– 5 new Formations, Artefacts, Tactical Objectives, the Revenant Psychic Discipline, Army rules and Warlord Traits for the Ynnari faction;
– Datasheets for Yvraine, the Visarch and the Yncarne, as well as datasheets for the Black Guardians of Ulthwé;
– Rules for weapons and equipment used by Craftworld Ulthwé’s strike forces;
– Echoes of War missions – replay key battles from the Fracture of Biel-Tan.

Black Guardian Windriders $41Black Guardian Windriders


The Black Guardians use swiftness and surprise to tear out the heart of the enemy army, and none embody this lightning-quick assault more than the Windriders. Darting out from Ulthwé’s portals into the labyrinth dimension, they appear from nowhere to eradicate the reaving warbands of the Great Enemy.

Black Guardian Windriders

By the time their victims bleed their last, the Black Guardian Windriders are long gone, searching for more targets to bring low.


This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble 3 Black Guardian Windriders, armed with either shuriken catapults, shuriken cannon or scatter laser – 3 of each are included. Supplied with 3 small flying bases.

Black Guardians $36.25Black Guardians


Bursting into reality in a blaze of multicoloured light, the Black Guardians are Craftworld Ulthwé’s sharpest blades. A standing army, extremely skilled and utterly dedicated to the destruction of Chaos, they can strike from the webway, descending from wraithgates and attacking suddenly and with absolute force. After their prey is destroyed, the Black Guardians disappear without trace.

Guardians 10 NEW

This multi-part plastic kit contains the component necessary to assemble 10 Black Guardian.

Black Guardians

8 armed with shuriken catapults, and a 2-man heavy weapons platform, which can be assembled as either a bright lance, a missile launcher, a scatter laser, a starcannon or shuriken cannon. Supplied with 10 Citadel 25mm Round bases and 1 Citadel 40mm Round base.

The Horus Heresy Book 42: Garro (Hardback) $30Garro HBE



From out of the shadows of the Silent War, a hero emerges. Clad all in grey, an errant warrior of the Legiones Astartes kneels before the Regent of Terra, and accepts a solemn new duty – Battle-Captain Garro, once commander of the Eisenstein, now Agentia Primus of Malcador the Sigillite. From the desolation of Isstvan to the halls of the Imperial Palace itself, he stands as a paragon of loyalty and protector of the innocent, ever ready to strike back at the traitorous allies of the Warmaster. But Garro is walking a path of his own, one that may lead him to question his own place in the Imperium… and what if he, too, should falter?

This book contains James Swallow’s complete saga of Nathaniel Garro in the Horus Heresy – the audio drama series is embellished and expanded in prose, with additional scenes to represent the author’s original vision. This all serves as prelude to the events of the novella Vow of Faith, bringing Garro closer to his inescapable destiny as the first true martyr of the Lectitio Divinitatus.


Garro hasn’t reached the end of his journey quite yet – the Siege of Terra awaits him – but for the very first time, you can read his entire saga in a single volume, from his first mission as an agent of the Sigillite to his decision to break away and seek his own destiny.

Written by James Swallow. This novel includes content from the audio dramas Garro: Oath of Moment, Garro: Legion of One, Garro: Sword of Truth, Garro: Shield of Lies, Burden of Duty and Garro: Ashes of Fealty, plus the novella Garro: Vow of Faith.

Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan art cards Free With Purchase

Fracture of Biel Tan Art Cards



To celebrate the launch of The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan we are giving away a series of 3 art cards, 1 with every order of $50 or more.

These cards are exclusive to and are each available for one week, or until we run out of stock.

Each card is available from the following dates so make sure you place an order each week so you can collect them all!

Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead art card : Saturday 4th February to Friday 10th February 2017.
The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead art card: Saturday 11th February to Friday 17th February 2017.
The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead art card: Saturday 18th February to Friday 24th February 2017.

Games Workshop has really came through on all the new Fracture of Biel Tan items! And i think we could all agree, it’s about time, the wait is almost over! Be sure to stop back by this Sunday for the full description and prices of these fresh new products.