Games Workshop’s New Releases – REVEALED

By Rob Baer | March 20th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

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This week’s new releases is full of Sisters of Silence, Talons of the Emperor, Custodes, and more! Come take a look at what is now up for pre-order!

Talons of the Emperor $160

Talons of the Emperor


The storm continues to gather with dreadful pace. A rising tide of Chaos darkens the door of the Imperium, threatening to consume the entire galaxy. In this time of desperation, the High Lords of Terra see fit to unleash their most potent weapons against the encroaching darkness – the Adeptus Custodes, superhuman champions of the Imperium descended from the Emperor himself; and the Sisters of Silence, psychic nulls whose mere presence is like a gaping void of nothingness driving back the Daemonic fiends.

Talons of the Emperor is a box containing a collection of Adeptus Custodes and Sisters of Silence miniatures, along with 2 24-page softback Codexes featuring rules for fielding them in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Custodian Squad

The Miniatures

A 5-man set of Adeptus Custodes, which can be used to assemble one of two squads – one armed with guardian spears, one armed with sentinel blades and storm shields. One model can be assembled as a shield-captain, with a cloak and choice of 2 heads, and one model can wield a Custodes Vexila. Includes 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.

A Contemptor Dreadnought, armed with a choice of multi-melta or assault cannon. Includes a Citadel 60mm Round base.

A Venerable Land Raider, armed with lascannons and heavy bolter, with options for storm bolter, missile launcher and smoke launchers.

A 5-woman set of Sisters of Silence, which can be used to make either a Vigilator squad, who specialise in melee and carry executioner greatswords, a Prosecutor squad, who operate more flexibly and carry bolters for longer-range combat or a Witchseeker squad, who carry flamers for devastating multi-target assaults. It includes 6 executioner greatswords, 5 Umbra-pattern boltguns and 5 flamers as well as 2 special heads for a Sister Superior.

A Null-Maiden Rhino, armed with storm bolter and smoke launchers.

Custodian Landraider

Rules Content

Talons of the Emperor contains 2 books full of rules and background for the included miniatures:

Codex: Adeptus Custodes

– Datasheets for the Custodian Guard Squad, Venerable Dreadnought and Land Raider;
– the Aegis of the Emperor special rule;
– a new Warlord Traits table;
– the Golden Legion Task Force detachment;
– the Armoury of the Adeptus Custodes – wargear, special issue wargear and vehicle equipment.

Codex: Sisters of Silence

– Datasheets for the Prosecutor Squad, Vigilator Squad, Witchseeker Squad and Null-Maiden Rhino;
– special rules, including Psychic Abomination;
– the Null-Maiden Task Force detachment;
– the Armoury of the Silent Sisterhood – wargear, special issue wargear and vehicle equipment.

Please note, this product is available while stocks last.

Custodian Guard Squad $120Custodian Guard Bundle


Bright and resplendent in gleaming gold, the Adeptus Custodes stride into war with the confidence their imposing stature gives them. Bullets and shrapnel ricochet from gilded breastplates – these warriors are armoured with the finest wargear, carrying the blessing of the Emperor himself. With their guardian spears they spin, parry and thrust, their immense strength cutting down the enemy as the built-in bolters deal death from afar. The Adeptus Custodes’ minds carry judgment – and their fists carry death.

Custodian Squad

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 10 Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard, armed with either guardian spears or sentinel blades and storm shields. 2 models can be assembled as shield-captains, featuring a cloak and choice of 2 heads, and 2 can carry a Custodes Vexila.

Custodian Squad

Supplied with 10 Citadel 40mm Round bases.

Sisters of Silence Squad $80

Prosecutor Squad


Well-named, the Sisters of Silence march, quiet as the grave. Only the crack of the holy bolter and the roar of flamers accompany their hunt for those who would bring Chaos to the Imperium. The Sisters of Silence gather to deliver the Emperor’s unspoken wrath, speaking only with deeds, the immunity to psychic assault their Pariah gene afford them making them more than a match for the most powerful sorcerers.

Sisters of Silence Squad

This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble 10 Sisters of Silence. The kit can be assembled as Vigilators, who specialise in melee and carry executioner greatswords, Prosecutors, who operate more flexibly and carry bolters for longer-range combat and Witchseekers, who carry flamers for devastating multi-target assaults. It includes 12 executioner greatswords, 10 Umbra-pattern boltguns and 10 flamers as well as 4 special heads for a Sister Superior.

Sisters of Silence Bundle

Supplied with 10 Citadel 32mm Round bases.

Venerable Land Raider $74.25

Custodian Landraider


The Land Raider is considered the finest land-borne transport in the Adeptus Terra, and those of the Custodian Guard are the most venerated of all. The tank’s adamantium hide, massively thick and layered with ceramite reinforcement, has such incredible resilience that it can drive through a barrage of artillery fire without slowing. When the metal-toothed jaws at the front yawn wide, the Custodian Guard within charge out to smash the enemy lines into disarray.

Space Marine Land Raider NEW

The Venerable Land Raider is armed with twin-linked lascannon sponsons, which can be modelled to the front or rear of the vehicle, and features a twin-linked heavy bolter. All of these weapons can be either glued into place or slotted in enabling them to be rotated towards their intended targets during your games.

The front of the Land Raider features an assault ramp which can be glued shut or modelled to open and close. If left unglued it reveals the internal detail of the Land Raider featuring deck plating and a communications panel featuring all manner of dials, buttons and video screens.

Custodian Landraider

Also included are options to include smoke launchers, a pintle-mounted storm bolter, missile launcher, radar dish and a variety of top hatches that can be modelled as either open or closed, as well as the option to include a Space Marine Techmarine in one of the hatches.

This kit comprises 101 components, and is supplied with an Ultramarines vehicle transfer sheet.

Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard $60

Custodian Squad


Bright and resplendent in gleaming gold, the Adeptus Custodes stride into war with the confidence their imposing stature gives them. Bullets and shrapnel ricochet from gilded breastplates – these warriors are armoured with the finest wargear, carrying the blessing of the Emperor himself.

Custodian Squad

With their guardian spears they spin, parry and thrust, their immense strength cutting down the enemy as the built-in bolters deal death from afar. The Adeptus Custodes’ minds carry judgment – and their fists carry death.

Custodian Squad

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a set of 5 Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard. The kit can be used to build 1 of 2 different squads: one armed with guardian spears, the other armed with sentinel blades and storm shields. One model can be assembled as a shield-captain, featuring a cloak and choice of 2 heads, and one can carry a Custodes Vexilla. Supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.

Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought $60

Custodian Contemptor


The Contemptor Dreadnoughts of the Custodian Guard are revered relics of the Imperium’s golden age. Each houses a fallen hero of the Adeptus Custodes, a warrior broken in body but not in mind who has opted to fight to his last breath. Articulated in the manner of a human warrior, the Contemptor fights with a deceptive dexterity for its size – onward it pushes, its heavy weapon system laying down a swathe of deadly fire. At close quarters, sweeps of its power fist crush infantry to paste and tear their war engines apart to leave naught but wreckage behind.

Contemptor Dreadnought

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble a Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought, armed with a choice of multi-melta or assault cannon.

Contemptor Dreadnought

This kit comprises 14 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 60mm Round base and a Horus Heresy transfer sheet.

Null-Maiden Rhino $37.25Null Rhino


Crunching the corpses of the Emperor’s foes under its tracks as it grinds to the front line, the Rhino is far more than a simple personnel carrier. Those vehicles driven to war by the Silent Sisterhood have served faithfully in Terra’s defence for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The machine spirits of these tanks are as dauntless as any in the Imperium’s service, rarely resting in their pursuit of the Sisterhood’s psychic prey.

Null Rhino

This boxed set contains 1 multi-part plastic Null-Maiden Rhino. Also included are options to include smoke launchers, a pintle-mounted storm bolter, missile launcher, radar dish and a variety of top hatches that can be modelled as either open or closed, as well as the option to include a Space Marine Techmarine in one of the hatches. The rear door of the vehicle can either be glued shut or left open to show off the interior detail of the kit such as the deck plating and communications display that includes a stowed boltgun.

Space Marine Rhino NEW

This kit comprises 67 components, and is supplied with an Ultramarines vehicle transfer sheet.

This kit can also be used as a Space Marines Rhino.

Titan (Hardback) $40

Titan HB Graphic Novel



When the ageing commander of the Warlord-class Battle Titan Imperius Dictatio dies in the heat of battle, it falls to Cadet Princeps Erwin Hekate to take control of the mighty war machine and save it – and his comrades – from certain destruction. Fusing his mind with the spirit of Imperius Dictatio and bending the construct to his will, Hekate takes the towering Titan into battle against the foes of the Imperium.


It’s the classic comic book – by the mighty Dan Abnett and starring an even mightier Warlord Titan – from the pages of Warhammer Monthly collected together in one mighty volume!

Written by Dan Abnett with Andy Lanning. Art by Anthony Williams.

The new game Talons of the Emperor is almost here, right along with the Custodian guard, and Sisters of Silence. Be sure to head on over to Games Workshop and get your pre-orders in!