Games Workshop’s New Releases – REVEALED

By James Rodriguez | April 10th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

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This week’s new releases is full of Made to Order classic minis, Shadow Wars terrain, and more! Come take a look at what is coming up for pre-order!

Zhar-Naggrund Ziggurats Blood Bowl Team $104Zhar Naggrund Ziggurats Bundle



Though excluded from official play by the NAF until its collapse, the Chaos Dwarfs of the Zharr-Naggrund Ziggurats aren’t exactly the quickest of players, but they make up for this by knocking almost anything out of the way with their Bull Centaurs. You better move!

This bundle contains the miniatures needed to assemble the Zharr-Naggrund Ziggurats, a Chaos Blood Bowl team. It features a metal Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Team and 2 metal Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Bull Centaurs, along with 14 32mm Blood Bowl bases.

Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent $75

Galvanic Magnavent


An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Galvanic Magnavent is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment!

Galvanic Magnavent

A collection of walkways, turbines, supporting beams and chimney stacks, the Galvanic Magnavent can be assembled in myriad different configurations, from a ring of walkways to a meandering stretch of raised gangway, and anything in between. The legs that hold up the walkways can be attached via the plug-in holes – re-arrange them to your heart’s content, and glue them in place for a super-solid structure when you’ve found your perfect configuration. The kit features balustrades which can be clipped on to the edges of the walkways – perfect for providing cover – and there’s a huge, skull-shaped winching mechanism which can hang under whichever walkway you choose. Rules are included for using this scenery piece in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Galvanic Magnavent

This kit contains 4 frames of plastic components – one featuring the central silo and chimneys, one filled with walkways, one filled with floors and details and one featuring the legs to hold the structure aloft – and is compatible with every other kit in the Sector Mechanicus range, meaning massive, multi-level, labyrinthine structures can be built for your battle to be fought on. They can even be combined with the Haemotrope Reactor, Promethium Relay Pipes and Void Shield Generator. Your imagination is the only limit – no two gaming tables ever need look the same!

Dark Elf Blood Bowl Team $54

Blood Bowl Dark Elves MTO



Notably more aggressive than other Elven teams, Dark Elves leverage their hatred of everything alive (and dead, and undead) to enhance their running game and propel them to Blood Bowl glory.

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the Dark Elves. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 2 Blitzers, 2 Witch Elves, 1 Runner and 7 Linemen.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available in Death Zone Season 1.

Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Team $54

Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarfs MTO



Chaos Dwarfs are evil creatures, famed weaponsmiths whose creations are as twisted and as cruel as they are. They are the sworn enemies of their distant kin, but if there’s one thing the two races agree on, it’s Blood Bowl. Chaos Dwarf teams have long been a fixture of the sport, even though they were excluded from official play by the NAF until its collapse. Most Chaos Dwarf coaches realise that their chief weakness is their race’s inherent ponderousness, so Hobgoblin slaves fulfil a vital role as Runners and Throwers. A few lucky teams can boast the presence of Bull Centaurs, mighty warriors who have been blessed with the gift of mutation. Chaos Dwarf teams might not be quick, but you’d be a fool to stand in their way

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the Chaos Dwarfs. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 4 Chaos Dwarfs and 8 Hobgoblins.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available as a free .pdf download in the tab on the right.

Chaos Chosen Blood Bowl Team $54

Blood Bowl Chaos Chosen MTO



Blood Bowl is arguably even more popular among the followers of the Chaos gods than it is among civilised folk. Maybe it’s the cult-like supporters’ clubs, the constant violence both on and off the pitch, or just the brightly-coloured strips… Whatever the case, wherever you find a Blood Bowl stadium, you’re guaranteed to find at least one team made up of an assortment of thoroughly debased, dedicated followers of Chaos.

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the Chaos Chosen. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 3 Chaos Warriors, 8 Beastmen and 1 Chaos Mutant.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available as a free .pdf download in the tab on the right.

Sector Mechanicus Ferratonic FurnaceFerratonic Furnace


An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Ferratonic Furnace is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment!

Ferratonic Furnace

A large silo possibly filled with unmentionable chemicals, toxic waste or items too sinister to dwell upon, the Ferratonic Furnace provides an excellent platform for miniatures to battle on – as well as being stackable, and usable as supports for walkways. It’s covered in incredible details, with armoured panels and turbines making up the bulk of the structure. The door to the silo itself can be modelled open or closed, with the detail on the door being an especial standout with its complex locking mechanism visible. There are plenty of pipes, chains and winches included, which can be clipped in and out of place wherever you like using the plug-in holes beneath the gantries, and each piece of the kit features an Adeptus Mechanicus maker’s plate. Rules are included for using this scenery piece in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Ferratonic Furnace

This kit contains 2 frames of plastic components – one featuring the silo, and one filled with platforms and walkways – and is compatible with every other kit in the Sector Mechanicus scenery range, meaning massive, multi-level-labyrinthine structures can be built for your battle to be fought on. They can even be combined with the Haemotrope Reactor, Promethium Relay Pipes and Void Shield Generator. Your imagination is the only limit – no two gaming tables ever need look the same!

Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack $50

Alchomite Stack


An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Alchomite Stack is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment!

Alchomite Stack

The Alchomite Stack is a series of chimneys evoking the acrid, pollution-thick atmosphere that the dark industry of a forge world creates. Incredibly modular, the kit features a central dome and several chimneys: you have the option of assembling any of the included chimneys onto this, and either modelling the others as separate, independent pieces of terrain or attaching them to the exhaust vents on the side. Every piece in the Alchomite Stack kit is covered in detail, from Adeptus Mechanicus makers plates to cogs, valves and part designations. There’s a great deal here for a hobbyist to get their modelling teeth into! Rules are included for using this scenery piece in games of Warhammer 40,000.

Alchomite Stack

This kit contains 2 frames of plastic components – one containing the components for the central dome, and one containing components for the external tank – and is compatible with every other kit in the Sector Mechanicus scenery range, meaning massive, multi-level, labyrinthine structures can be built for your battles to be fought on. They can even be combined with the Haemotrope Reactor, Promethium Relay Pipes and Void Shield Generator. Your imagination is the only limit – no two gaming tables ever need look the same!

Blood Bowl Trophies $29.75

Blood Bowl Trophies MTO



This set contains four of the most famous Blood Bowl trophies – the Chaos Cup, the Blood Bowl trophy, the Dungeon Bowl trophy and the Spike! Magazine trophy. Use these to celebrate your successes and rub your opponents noses in the dirt.

This is a set of 4 metal Blood Bowl trophies.

Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl Bull Centaur $25

Blood Bowl Bull Centaur MTO



A few lucky Chaos Dwarf teams can boast the presence of Bull Centaurs, mighty warriors who have been blessed with the gift of mutation.

This metal miniature is to be added to Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl teams. He comes as 3 components, and is supplied with 2 bases – a 60x35mm oval base and a 32mm round base. Blood Bowl rules for this miniature are available as a free .pdf download in the tab on the right.

Dark Elf Blood Bowl Assassin $18

Blood Bowl Dark Elf Assassin



This metal miniature is a Star Player, to be added to Dark Elf Blood Bowl teams. He comes as a single component with a 25mm slotted round base.

Blood Bowl rules for this model are available in Death Zone Season 1.

There is a ton of classic Blood Bowl minis that are going to be available next week and Made to Order, so expect about a 35 day turnaround after you order. Also, if you don’t want to buy the full box set of Shadow Wars: Armageddon you can now just buy the terrain and get your games started. Be sure to head over to Games Workshop and pick up these new releases.