New Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol Value is a Shocker!

genestealer cults combat patrol value pricing

Here is the new Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol box value, contents, and pricing in our savings breakdown- check it out!

The Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol boxes are a great choice for new players who are interested in exploring a particular faction. They offer a quick and easy way to assemble a small army and jump straight into playing games.

These sets are similar to the Start Collecting Sets, which GW discontinued in 2019. They are designed to help players get a feel for the faction and start building their playing skills right away.

New 40k Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol Value Pricing & Value

genestealer cults combat patrol box

The Warband has 17 models, including five Atalan Jackals, four of which ride bikes and one on the fearsome Wolfquad. Additionally, it includes two units of five Hybrid Metamorphs and a durable Achilles Ridgerunner. The team is led by the Jackal Alphus, Shanus Daskovian, who provides accurate sniper fire to remove exposed Characters and supports the rest of the team from the rear.

Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol List Price: $168 CAD$200 £100 €130

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Combat Patrol Genestealer Cults

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Xenos
  • Faction: Genestealer Cults
  • Role: Troops, Fast Attack, HQ
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 17
  • Release Year: 2024

Buy The Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol

Combat Patrols Price By Country

United States$168
United Kingdom£100

Combat Patrol Description

genestealer cults hor walWhile the box doesn’t have the new Benefictus or the new codex, it does contain a decent mix of units, including five Atalan Jackals, two units of five Hybrid Metamorphs, a durable Achilles Ridgerunner, and a Jackal Alphus!

Last update on 2024-09-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Atalan Jackals

99120117014_GSCAtalanJackals01The Atalan Jackals are fourth-generation Neophytes who serve as the outriders of their gene-sect. They explore the remote areas of their host planet in order to find new territories for their cult to infiltrate. In a Genestealer Cults army, the Atalan Jackals provide fast-moving firepower and rapid assault support.

They can swiftly traverse the battlefield, making them ideal for exploiting weaknesses in an opponent’s defenses or capturing important objectives.

Hybrid Metamorphs

genestealersHybrid Metamorphs move with an eerie swiftness, their weaponized limbs thrashing and their biomorphs pulsing with deadly toxins. Born spontaneously during the later stages of a cult’s existence, they are believed to be the result of a Tyranid hive fleet nearing a planet where a Genestealer Cult resides.

When the cult finally launches its uprising, the Hybrid Metamorphs take center stage, using their formidable claws, sinewy tentacles, and slashing talons to carve through anything in their path. They are revered as sainted heroes by the cult’s followers.

Achilles Ridgerunner

99120117015_GSCAchilliesRidgerunner01The Achilles Ridgerunners boldly navigate treacherous frontier landscapes, the keen-eyed pilots diligently scouring the terrain for lucrative resource deposits and swiftly transmitting their findings to the command center.

While adept at engaging enemy scouts and outriders, the Achilles Ridgerunner truly excels in its role as an advanced scout for the cult, skillfully surveying potential ambush locations and plotting strategic entry points into enemy territory.

Jackal Alphus

jackal alphaThe Jackal Alphus stands as the formidable alpha of its pack, exuding an unparalleled combination of lethality and swiftness. Its unparalleled composure and unwavering focus have led members of the Ordo Xenos to draw comparisons between its prowess and that of Imperial Assassins.

Genestealer Cults 40k Combat Patrol Review

2024 genestealer cult combat patrol

So, you’re eyeing that Combat Patrol box, huh? Good choice! These boxes are basically the VIP pass to starting a killer Warhammer 40k army. You get a solid mix of units – from the tough-as-nails troops to those snazzy specialist units.

It’s like assembling an all-star team right out of the gate, plus you can even play this box as is in smaller games of Warhammer 40k, aptly called “Combat Patrol.”

          ModelsUnit NameValue
          1Jackal Alphus $45
          5Atlan Jackals$62.50
          10Hybrid Metamorphs$90 ($45 per box)
          1Achilles Ridgerunner$60
          Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol
           Total MSRP: $257.50
           Savings Versus Box Price:$89.50

          Combat Patrol Warhammer 40k Comparisons

          Below, you can see how the new Combat Patrol compares to other bundle box releases and even the now out-of-print Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol box from 2022.

          Box Set NamePriceQty of MinisValue
          Deathwing Assault$22022$124
          Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol (Old)$16832$133
          New Genestealer Combat Patrol$16817$65
          Dread Talons Battleforce$23035$140
          Stompa Boyz Battleforce$21023$166

          Is the Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol Worth It?

          2024 genestealer cult update teaser

          Of the new boxes for 10th Edition, this has the best value we’ve seen yet! So, while there aren’t an overwhelming number of models inside, the value is really there. You get all ten Metamorphs for free, which is absolutely fantastic. However, this will probably be a pass if you don’t need the Metamorphs.

          If you do need everything inside, it’s a way better deal than buying the models separately. But it’s about $55 less valuable than the old box, which is a little bit of a bummer. Overall, the new 10th Edition Combat Patrols have been pretty meh, and this one seems to continue that trend.

          What to Buy Next?

          whc gsc spoiler New Unit: Achilles Ridgerunner for GSC SpottedThis takes you in the “fast attack” direction of the army; however, you’ll need plenty of troops to take objectives, characters to buff up your units, and more tanks to blow stuff up! If you had an old list, it might change with the new codex, but you can’t really go wrong with more infantry, tanks, and, of course, some actual Genestealers.

          This Combat Patrol might not be the best bang for your buck, depending on what you already have, but it still offers a way to start building an army and exploring the Genestealer Cults faction. As always, we recommend buying what you think is cool and building your army around it.

          Click Here For All The 40k Combat Patrol Pricing & Values

          What do you think about the value and models included in the Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol?

          About the Author: Travis Pasch

          Travis Pasch

          travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

          Socials: @paschbass 

          About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

          Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

          Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!