German Major Bayern 2024: Top 40k Tournament Army Lists

votann meta unbeatable army lists

Here are the best Warhammer 40k tournament army lists that took down the competition and placed at the top of the German Major Bayern!

German Major Bayern 2024: Top 40k Tournament Army Lists

top warhammer 40k army lists to beat tournaments grand

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our commentary on their selections.  Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. Click this special promo link to save $20 on a year’s subscription to BCP.

German Major Bayern 2024 top 8

3rd Place: Dennis Gottschalk – Grey Knights

Grey Knights Wal Hor


Dennis Gottschalk 1


Dennis Gottschalk 2


2nd Place: Malte Hoffs – Chaos Space Marines



Malte Höfs csm 1


Malte Höfs csm 2


Malte Höfs csm 3


Malte Höfs csm 4

1st Place: Mathieu Clerc – Leagues of Votann

Leagues of Votann wal hor


Mathieu Clerc votann 1A Champion led Mathieu’s Votann army to help with charges and a Kahl for Lethal Hits. Troops see a single unit of Hearthkyn to pair up with the Kahl. Two Sagitaurs help transport some models in the early turns of the game.


Mathieu Clerc votann 2The Beserks act as dedicated melee threats, while a Hearthguard is an anchor in durability, melee, and ranged combat power.  Two Land Fortresses bring in some extra shots and mobility.

Mathieu Clerc votann 3

Three Pioneers added the core of mobility models for the army to help pick off targets and be exactly where they are needed, and the Yaegirs helped with some general bodies and decent shots.

Mathieu Clerc votann 4

This list is basically a greatest hits of Votann powerhouses, with the infamous 10-man Hearthguard brick making a strong comeback. Votann stat lines are already solid, but when you toss in +1 to hit and wound from grudges, they become absolute wrecking balls. The Hearthguard was a staple in early 10th edition for a reason—they flood targets with saves, and it hurts. With their Strategem giving [Sustained 2], nothing’s safe from their damage output.

The rest of the list is all about staging, threatening, and scoring. Pioneers pull double duty with impressive damage and durability, while 20 infiltrating Yaegirs set the stage for some fun times if you’re running a combat or scout army. This list won’t ambush you—it’ll march straight at you and crush you underfoot, just as Votann should.

And there you have it! German Major Bayern showcased some top-tier Warhammer 40k action, and these army lists certainly did not disappoint. From Chaos Space Marines to Leagues of Votann, it’s clear that these players brought their A-game. Whether you’re a veteran player or just getting started, there’s a lot to learn from these top-tier tactics and compositions.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think of these top Warhammer 40k army lists from the German Major Bayern?