Transform Your 40k Battles: Stunning 3D Buildings & Terrain

Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 4Tabletop Terrain has amazing pieces in tons of sizes, perfect for any sci-fi game, but especially Warhammer 40k- check it out!

Most of their terrain can be scaled from 15mm scale up to 32mm scale, meaning you can use it for almost any sci-fi game out there, Legions Imperialis, and obviously, 40k! So, if you’ve been looking for some really interesting and stand-out pieces, they are the place to look.

We’ve also worked out a promo code for all Spikey Bits readers to save 10%! Just use code Spikeybits to get your discount! 

Get Amazing Warhammer 40k Terrain With Tabletop Terrain!

Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain


Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 2 Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 3They have over seven pages full of terrain, so pretty much any faction or style you want for your table, they have it! Don’t worry, though; we’ll take a closer look at some of our favorites!

Command HQ:

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Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 4


Command HQ is a building with open rooms and a lookout post from the second floor. The HQ is designed for sci-fi wargames such as Warhammer 40k (28mm), Kill Team (28mm), Star Wars Legion (32mm), Warmachine (28-32mm), One Page Rules (varies), Stargrave (28-32mm), Starfinder (varies) or Infinity (28-32mm). 

Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 5

-What’s Included 

1 Industrial Command HQ in 8 pieces.

In 32mm scale the building measures 361x440x139mm. In 32mm scale, Space Marines can fit within the building. 

In 28mm scale the building measures 317x386x122mm. In 28mm scale, smaller infantry such as scouts or guard can fit within the building.  


Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 6

The Manufactorum is an industrial factory with four large smokestacks. It’s designed for sci-fi wargames such as Warhammer 40k (28mm), Kill Team (28mm), Star Wars Legion (32mm), Warmachine (28-32mm), One Page Rules (varies), Stargrave (28-32mm), Starfinder (varies) or Infinity (28-32mm). 

Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 7

-What’s Included 

  • 1 Manufactorum in 16 pieces
  • In 32mm scale, the factory measures 391x254x199mm. 
  • In 28mm scale, the factory measures 343x223x175mm. 
  • In 20mm scale, the factory measures 240x156x123mm. 
  • In 15mm scale, the factory measures 206x134x105mm.

Absolution Cannon:

Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 8

The Absolution Cannon is an armored building, the top is a dome shape with a large articulating artillery cannon. The Cannon is designed for sci-fi wargames such as Warhammer 40k (28mm), Kill Team (28mm), Star Wars Legion (32mm), Warmachine (28-32mm), One Page Rules (varies), Stargrave (28-32mm), Starfinder (varies) or Infinity (28-32mm). 

Warhammer 40k Tabletop Terrain 9

-What’s Included 

  • 1 Absolution Cannon in 5 pieces. 
  • In 32mm scale, the cannon measures 248x222x152mm. 
  • In 28mm scale, the cannon measures 218x195x133mm. 
  • In 20mm scale, the cannon measures 153x137x93mm. 
  • In 15mm scale, the cannon measures 130x117x80mm.

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