Get Free Shipping From Kromlech Right Now!

Free Shipping from Kromlech featureYou can get free shipping from Kromlech for a limited time and save yourself a bunch of cash- check out the newest deal!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the most fantastic alternative minis and bits on the market! If you haven’t checked them out before, they are definitely worth looking intoIf you’ve been thinking about getting anything from them, now is the time, as you can get free shipping and save some cash. 

Kromlech has tons of bits that are perfect for 40k or AoS. We’ll cover some of our favorites that you can save money on, but if you want to see everything they have to offer, be sure to check out their site at the links below.

But why are we still talking? Let’s jump into the sale details!

Get Free Shipping From Kromlech Right Now!

Free Shipping from Kromlech

Now, let’s check out a tiny bit of what you can score!

Kraken Transport Walking Tank: $54.10

Kraken Transport Walking TankIt’s not a Chimera, but here are the specs on this:

Kraken Transport Walking Tank is a mobile and durable troop carrier of Imperial Guardsmen. Open up a back hatch to reveal a detailed interior of the vehicle. The Kraken is armed with passenger-operated weaponry on both sides of the hull. Includes weapon options for the turret (Heavy Laser Gun, Heavy Thunder Gun, Heavy Flamethrower, and additional turret-mounted Machine Gun), as well as hull-mounted add-ons (weaponry – Heavy Thunder Gun and Heavy Flamethrower – and swappable panels at both sides – clean, with shovels, and with extra containers).

Kraken Transport Walking Tank 2

Creations of infamous Desert Raiders – sturdy, battle-hardened soldiers of the Imperial Guard that serve on a planet completely covered in sand – Walking Tanks are indeed something very suitable for any desert-kind of environment. Although – thanks to spider-like legs – the sizes of these tanks can be enormous, their hulls match the standard dimensions of tanks used by the Imperial Guard.

Desert Raiders Infantry Squad: $37.36

Tallarn alternatives 3These models are just so incredible and some of the most excellent alternatives we’ve ever seen for the Desert Raiders! They are also on sale right now, but they won’t stay at this price for long, so don’t sit around and miss out!

Desert Raiders are sturdy, battle-hardened soldiers of the Imperial Guard that serve on a planet completely covered in sand. From the time the lethal forces of Daemons invaded their homeworld, they’re still leading a never-ending war using hit-and-run guerilla tactics.

Tallarn alternatives 4

This set of high-quality resin parts is enough to make a Desert Raiders Infantry Squad consisting of ten miniatures: nine Desert Raiders Guardsmen and one Sergeant. Heads and bodies have unique designs. Various special weapons available for Guardsmen (Flamethrower, Sniper Rifle, Magma Gun, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Gun, Thunder Rifle) and a Sergeant (Chain Sword, Power Sword, Power Fist, Las Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Thunder Pistol).

Desert Raiders Command Squad: $37.36

Tallarn alternatives 5


Tallarn alternatives 6

This set contains one Desert Raiders Command Squad consisting of five uniquely designed miniatures: Desert Raiders Commander, Standard Bearer, Field Medic, Comms Specialist, and Veteran. Various anti-vehicle and anti-infantry weapons included along with comms backpack.


Kromlech Tau Alternatives 5

Barrage Battle Drones were designed for one purpose – to match the other races’ tanks and vehicles. And they’re doing so, and even more. Being capable of trespassing on almost every difficult terrain, these hulking machines provide devastating firepower to most battlefields in different environments. It doesn’t matter if they’re using high-advanced Magnetic Rifles or showering their enemies with numerous rockets thanks to the Sky-Igniting Missile Racks.


Kromlech Tau Alternatives 6They also have shield drone alternatives, so no worries there!

In the case of Attack Drones, the clue is in the name. This type of Caste Enclaves construction has only one simple objective – to make an unstoppable attack at the enemy positions on the battlefield. And it does so with terrifying accuracy – especially when this is a numerous swarm of Drones.

If you love what Kromlech is up to; check out everything else they have also been releasing here! That does it for this one; now go get some excellent bits!

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