Get Some of the Most OG Warhammer Minis from Troll Soup

OG Warhammer Min fatureWho doesn’t love the nostalgia that some of these old-style Warhammer minis bring? Troll Soup has some great versions of classic minis now!

Troll Soup Miniatures offers some great looking alternate versions of some of the oldest minis made for Warhammer. With things like the old Ogre, some old Terminators, and even older power armor. While it would be crazy for someone to play with a bunch of these, they make a great little addition to your army to bring you back to the old days. Sometimes, for the price, they aren’t too expensive per ce and you could just have a nice little display piece.

If you remember when these minis were played with, you have been in the game for quite a while. But nothing’s wrong with sticking with something you love!

Mad Razstorm, Ogre Bodyguard: £15.00

OG Warhammer Min


OG Warhammer MiniWhat a great mini! If this doesn’t take you back to the feel of the early days of tabletop gaming, we’re not sure what will. While the sculpts have become more and more sophisticated, we still miss minis like this every once in a while. Just the feel and the memories attached to them. Let’s hear what they have to say about it:

  • Single piece resin miniature.
  • Hand-sculpted by Jaycee Fairclough & Kevin Adams.
  • Stands 66mm tall total.
  • No base included.

Saturn Exosuit: £ 7.00

OG Warhammer Mini 2


OG Warhammer Mini 3Ah, everyone’s favorite and most hated Space Marine. Having a whole squad of these running as your veterans would be perfect as they have been fighting for millennia. But maybe you should let them retire and just bring them to battles to cheer on the rest of your army. If you love old school Marines, you should go check these out.

Cobra Exosuit: £ 7.00

Cobra ExosuitThis is a little different but gives the same exact feel.

That does it for this one! Just some really fun minis that bring it back to the old school.

Get Your OG Warhammer Minis Here!