Get That Imperial Fist Yellow: Painting Miniatures Tutorial

Imperial fist paintLove Imperial Fists but hate painting miniatures yellow, we have just the tutorial for you! Don’t miss just how easy painting Imperial Fists (or Iyanden) can be!

Jack of Clubs Painting has some great tutorials on YouTube on how to get your miniatures looking fantastic with the airbrush. If you’ve got a minute to spare, check out how you can get your Imperial Fist collection looking dope for the tabletop.

Get That Imperial Fist Yellow: Painting Miniatures Tutorial

joc imp fist 1 Getting that Perfect Yellow For Imperial Fists: TutorialFirst, the model is based using Stynlrez Red Brown to give a good base for the yellow armor. Next, Yellow Ochre by Vallejo Model Color is sprayed over the primer at an above angle to maintain the brown shadow.

joc imp fist 2Next, Golden Yellow from Vallejo Model Color is sprayed over the previous yellows to build up a highlight. Spray this in thin coats! You don’t want to apply a layer that’s too thick and hides all your prior work. Also, make sure that the paint is dry before applying the next coat. Be sure all the yellows are mixed with flow improver, as yellows can be tricky.

Flash Gitz Yellow by Games Workshop is used as a targeted highlight, aiming for the top areas that light will hit and cause the yellows to be brightest. Mix some Ivory by Vallejo Model Color with the Flash Gitz and touch up the very tops of the armor to pop out those yellows.

Time for Detail Work

joc imp fist trimUsing a brush, block in the trim using black or red, depending on which Imperial Fist company you are going for. Go slowly and be careful not to get any black on the yellow workup!

joc washEdge highlight the armor with some Vallejo Model Color Buff, bringing all the edges of the armor higher. Use the edge highlight where the armor edge would be the brightest to bring out the contrast.

Finally, brush a wash over the model made with Soft Tone and Quickshade Mixing Medium by the Army Painter. Soft Tone is a nice sepia color and works well to enhance yellows. Be sure to clean up the wash so there is no pooling to prevent staining.

imp fist joc doneOnce the wash is dry, use Neutral Grey by Vallejo Model Color to highlight the black trim and bring out details on the chest piece. Touch up any other highlights as desired. Once that is complete, you have a fantastic Imperial Fist model that is ready for action!

To see how to paint up the veteran helmet, be sure to watch the entire video! For more Jack of Clubs tutorials, check out his channel on Youtube. You can also catch Jack of Clubs on Twitch four nights a week.

How did you paint your Imperial Fists? Have you branched out from Citadel paints yet? 

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