Get the First Printing of 3DArtGuy’s Eternal Crusader Now!

crusader wal hor eternalDon’t miss out on getting in on the first printing of 3DArtGuy’s Sci-Fi Eternal Crusader that’s only available for a limited time!

If you love grimdark crusaders, but want dynamic alternatives to the ones on the market, for a price that is nice, sign up below to be the first to know when this model goes on sale! 

Get the First Printing of 3DArtGuy’s Eternal Crusader!

Eternal-crusader-free-shippingThe new Eternal Crusader from 3DArtGuy is posed perfectly for maximum crusading! Do not miss 3DArtGuy’s awesome design! A multipart kit of this Patreon exclusive- will be made for you on a high-quality resin printer in our new super-strong Void Resin!

We are only doing one batch of printing for these minis in 2021, so it will be EXTREMELY limited from us and is sure to sell out fast! Anyone who pre-orders this model will also get free shipping anywhere in the world! 

Just in time for the holidays and the new Black Templars release, you can get your very own crusader (or save on buying two or more)! 

Eternal Crusader: Free Worldwide Shipping

Eternal Crusader 3dartguy


Eternal Crusader 3

Print assembled and primed grey to show detail.

  • This model is approximately 50mm tall to the top of his helmet (about the same size as the GW Mephiston model on base).
  • This model is a 9 piece multi-part kit including sidearm, heraldry, and easy to assemble two-part crossed sword arms,
  • Both of his arms are separate at the shoulders, as well as his head for maximum hobbying.

Eternal Crusader 2

The Eternal crusader is a blessed warrior, capable of carving through heretics like wet paper.  With unmatched zeal and fury, he will hunt traitors to the farthest corners of the galaxy and make them regret all their life choices. 

 You can get the printable .STL files from 3DArtGuy here. or support him on Patreon for monthly releases

Be the first to know when he goes on sale and sign up below!

Get On The Pre-Order List Here

Sales & marketing contracted through Spikey Bits and fulfilled by Slicer LLC. The owner of this site has a financial interest in the sale of these miniatures.