Ghazghkull’s Rolla Mob- 1850 Orky Army List

By Rob Baer | February 28th, 2010 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k Army Lists, Warhammer 40k News

Well I’m still brainstorming over the new orks since the drop of the FAQ a few days ago.  I’ve heard good things about burna drive-bys so I thought I’d work up a super aggro list.  While I’m sure it will do fine against mech and marines, long range standoff may be its undoing.

Again this list has mucho threats; Ghaz, Nobz, Battlewagon of Burnas, Kans w/ both Rokkits and Powa Claws, and ground pounding Boyz.  Still I think the Lootas will be vulnerable a bit because they have to be set up alone to get good fire arcs etc.

I made a mob of Boyz Battlewagon-able just in case there is a good mid table objective that the burnas can hunker down at and fend off. I think between them and the Lootas they can handle a lot.

The order of battle will be to hide the wagons behind the Kans for a turn while they move up and stay in forcefield range. Next turn hopefully they can peel off and the wagons can smash home.  It may not quite work this way, but least I got a plan.  I dont know if holding the wagons back from moving their 12″ is a good idea or not.  I know if the order of battle is to turtle this will make a convincing firebase.  Maybe a better list is to drop one squad of kans, put the nobz back on bikes, and flank with two wagons and nobz, and pound up with 2 boyz squads and 1 squad of kans.

What are your thoughts?


HQ: Ghazghkull Thraka (1#, 225 pts)
   1 Ghazghkull Thraka @ 225 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 58 & 96); Power Klaw; Big Shoota; Stikkbombs; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Prophet of the Waaagh!; Adamantium Skull; Bosspole; Cybork Body; Mega Armour)

HQ: Big Mek (1#, 110 pts)
   1 Big Mek @ 110 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 34 & 97); Burna; Kustom Force Field; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; ‘Eavy Armour; Mek’s Tools)

Elite: Lootas (12#, 180 pts)
   12 Lootas @ 180 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 43 & 100); Deffguns; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)

Elite: Burna Boyz (8#, 120 pts)
   8 Burna Boyz @ 120 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 45 & 100); Burna; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)

Troops: Boyz (19#, 149 pts)
   18 Boyz @ 149 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 40 & 100); Shoota; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
      1 Boyz Nob ((C:Orks, pp. 40 & 100); Power Klaw; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)

Troops: Boyz (20#, 170 pts)
   19 Boyz @ 170 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 40 & 100); Big Shoota x2; Shoota; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!)
      1 Boyz Nob ((C:Orks, pp. 40 & 100); Power Klaw; Slugga; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; Bosspole)

Troops: Nobz (6#, 421 pts)
   4 Nobz @ 421 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 34 & 98); Count as Troop Troops; Big Choppa x1; Power Klaw x3; Slugga x3; Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon x1; Feel No Pain; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; ‘Eavy Armour x4; Ammo Runt x2; Bosspole x1; Cybork Body; Waaagh! Banner x1)
      1 Painboy ((C:Orks, pp. 40 & 100); ‘Urty Syringe; Furious Charge; Mob Rule; Waaagh!; ‘Eavy Armour; Cybork Body; Dok’s Tools)
      1 Battlewagon ((C:Orks, pp. 55 & 102); Big Shoota x1; Armour Plates; Deff Rolla; Grot Rigger)

Heavy Support: Battlewagon (1#, 130 pts)
   1 Battlewagon @ 130 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 55 & 102); Big Shoota x1; Armour Plates; Deff Rolla; Grot Rigger)

Heavy Support: Killer Kans (3#, 150 pts)
   3 Killer Kans @ 150 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 53 & 102); Dreadnought CCW; Rokkit Launcha x3)

Heavy Support: Killer Kans (3#, 150 pts)
   3 Killer Kans @ 150 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 53 & 102); Dreadnought CCW; Rokkit Launcha x3)

Troops: Gretchin (11#, 40 pts)
   10 Gretchin @ 40 pts ((C:Orks, pp. 50 & 100); Grot Blasta; It’s a Grot’s Life)
      1 Runtherd ((C:Orks, pp. 50 & 100); Grabba Stikk x1; Slugga; Furious Charge; Squig Hound)