Gi-Hugic Titan Dock Display Finally Complete!

titan dock diorama displayWe’ve been seeing the work in progress pics of the Titan Dock over the last couple of months. Well, the Warhammer World team has finally finished it!

We got a nice view of the WIP diorama during Warhammer World and it already looked amazing. Well the Warhammer World studio team is probably happy to be done with this epic display. Let’s see what they had to say about it.

The Titan dock diorama shown as a work in progress at Warhammer Fest is now completed, installed and waiting for you to come and see it in the Warhammer World Exhibition.

Rather than a battle scene, it shows the final rites of the Omnissiah being performed on a Titan of the Imperial Hunters Legion, prior to being deployed against the enemies of the Imperium.

titan dock diorama display

Of course, the sheer size of the central “miniature” dominates the diorama, but the scene around it is packed with details, some of which are cleverly visible from small windows on the side of the display. Look up and you’ll see gantries and winches, look down and you’ll see the rails which allow the Titan to be maneuvered back and forth.

titan dock diorama display

The latest long term addition to the Exhibition Centre, after we’ve recently added new dioramas to the entrance and Warhammer Age of Sigmar area, it’s well worth visiting and taking a closer look (or two) to take in all of the little touches and get ideas for your own projects, whatever scale they are.

titan dock diorama display

The new Titan Dock diorama is a true masterpiece that shows this gigantic model off in a way you wouldn’t be able to see anywhere but Warhammer World. If you get the chance, make sure you stop by Warhammer World and check out the latest work of art to come out of the Warhammer World studio team.

Want to see what goes into just make the Warlord itself?

What do you think about the new Titan Dock diorama? Are you going to be making your way to Warhammer World to see it? Let us know in the comments below.

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