5 Minis that Need the 40k Primarch Treatment

mortarion horAll big minis deserve their day in the sun, so GW please give these 5 minis the 40k Primarch treatment.

It’s not fair Mortarion gets to be so durable while so many other minis struggle. Check out our list we’d love to see get an update!

5 Minis that Need the 40k Primarch Treatment

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past month, or if you were actively avoiding all the Death Guard rules, you know that Mortarion got a big upgrade in terms of durability.

Whether you like the new rules or not, one thing we can all agree upon is that now more than ever, you get to feel like Mortarion is truly an epic character.  The lore and the rules align, and you get exactly what he’s supposed to do.

As such, this week’s A-Dawg’s Top Dogs visits some of the other models from the 40K range that deserve an epic set of buff pads to make them somewhat more interesting and get that feeling of awesome when you play them.

5- Knights

Knight Size ComparisonsBoth the Imperial and Chaos variety is a little bit lackluster in the rules right now.  The 490 points Mortarion and 490 points Knight you get to field are not at all on the same page.

Coupled with the fact that Knights struggle at playing with primary and secondary objectives and that allies took a hit, you are left with not much of a tabletop presence.

4- Magnus

magnus walIt sounds about right that if Morty gets the treatment, Wizard Bro should also get it.

Here, Austin and Max disagree, as Austin thinks Magnus should be more than an oversized Thousand Sons Daemon Prince, where Max thinks that Magnus is the only part of Codex Thousand Sons that is actually working.

Maybe he does need some more unique mechanics or his own set of spells, but the rules and the way he is played are not too far from what they should be.

Was he wrong though?

3-The Swarmlord

swarmlordTalk about a lackluster.  The whole range of monsters from the Tyranids is disappointing, to begin with, and it truly hurts when the army’s Big Bad Monster is nothing more than a hiding monster used to buff Hive Guards or Exocrine.

This guy needs a near-complete rework to be any kind of killer that actually gets to reach enemies and live to tell the tale ( or reach additional enemies… )

Outraged that this is only not higher?

2- The Avatar

Avatar_of_KhaineBoth the Avatar of Khaine and the Yncarne make this list.  But let’s face it, the Avatar of Khanie could do with a new model.  IT’S BEEN LIKE 20 YEARS!!

The Avatar is another weird model that should be a true beast, yet his biggest role in most games is hiding in Eldar infantry and making your puny space elves fearless.  Not quite the fearsome fighter he’s meant to be.

1- More Primarchs!

vulkan primarch wal3 Brothers out of 18 is an outrage ( 18 legions+1 twin-1head, I did the Math… )

Plus, they have been teasing Fulgrim for the past two years, so we know they have some cooking.

In a tale as old as time, we had a heated debate as to which Primarch should come first and why, but safe to say, more of the Brothers would be a fine addition to the game.

A-Dawg’s Top Dogs is a regular segment in The Mismatched Play, a Weekly Warhammer 40K Talk Show.  Catch it live on Twitch every Tuesday, or watch it on replay on YouTube anytime. If you want to see the previous week’s lists, you can check them out here.

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