New Voidborn Ancients Artel W Previews (some NSFW)

Gladiatrix feature rThe new Gladiatrix Voidborn Ancients Preview From Artel W is bringing a crazy gladiator to the arenas soon- check it out!

The hobby maniacs at Artel W are not stopping on their quest to make some of the coolest minis out there! Of course, they couldn’t leave us without some awesome previews. They have a bunch of new concepts coming soon and we can’t wait to get these upcoming minis. They are showing love to DE, which really only got one new mini with the codex, so we love to see it.

Again, this has one mini that is NSFW, so you’ve been warned.

While all of their minis are awesome, the Voidborn Ancients are amazing looking, and will add so much juice to your army! Rob recently did an unboxing of one of the Voidborn, which you can check out here. If you are ever looking for great alternatives, you have to check Artel W out.

Let’s dive into the previews, but we’ll also take a look at some of their most recent Voidborn Ancients as well.

Gladiatrix Voidborn Ancients Preview From Artel W:



Gladiatrix 2They usually release a few minis at once, so hopefully, you’ll be able to get an entire squad of them to do battle in the arenas. We know though Artel won’t leave us wanting, so we’re sure there will be even cooler minis coming for the range. Since Artel W has so many incredible minis, why not go check out what else they have going on? Now, let’s check out the latest to the line you can actually grab!

Dark Eldar Flesh Golems X3: $44.99

Flesh Golems Dark EldarGetting three of these guys for only 45 bucks really is a good deal. Especially when you consider one Grotesque from GW is $25, $45 for three looks pretty good!

Flesh Golems Dark Eldar parts


Flesh Golems Dark Eldar Artel WYou also get a ton of options for how you want to equip these awesome minis. It’s always nice to have extra bits and you get plenty of them with these kits! Everything about these kits just really seems above and beyond the GW kit!

That does it for this one, now stop staring and grab some minis!

Learn More About the Preview Here!