Going Dark with this Dark Angels Ravenwing Painting Tutorial

Ravenwing ChampionHere are some great pointers on building and painting Dark Angels Ravenwing, in the latest awesome how-to-paint tutorial from Galharen!

Galharen has some amazing hobby content, and if you need some sweet tips, you should follow him to get up on all your painting and conversion techniques!

This time, he paints up a pretty wild biker but also converts it up. We’re going to focus on the painting, but also check out the building part as well.

Dark Angels Ravenwing Champion Painting Tutorial: Galharen

Ravenwing Champion 2He got the STL files from Puppetswar for the main body of the biker.

Ravenwing Champion 3Obviously, he has plenty of other bits lined up for the build as well! Be sure to watch the whole video for all the details of the bits and conversion details.

Ravenwing Champion 4This is the end build for the biker before we get into painting. Now, let’s check out the painting section!

Step 1:

Ravenwing Champion 5First, he starts with a black undercoat/primer. Then uses Dark Grey from Vallejo in the airbrush and sprays some large highlights over the majority of the model. Then, he takes a small sponge and does some chipping over all the gray.

No need to be exact here, as it’s supposed to look somewhat random. After that, when it’s ready, he mixes in some pale grey and edge highlights on the bike.

Step 2:

Ravenwing Champion 6Now, he goes with pure Pale Grey Blue and does an even smaller highlight on the entire bike and armor. For battle damage, he goes back to pale grey and paints some flat areas on the bike, in sort of rough-looking spots.

Then fills them with black, leaving the grey outside visible. As a final touch for the battle damage, he adds some small spots of silver over the black.

Step 3:

Ravenwing Champion 7To paint the wings on the back, he mixes the grey and pale grey from before and covers all the sections of the wings, then he adds more pale grey and does a quick highlight with a blend. Finally, moving all the way to just pale grey and does a final highlight.

Step 4:

Ravenwing Champion 8For the sword, he base coats the blade with white, then switches to moon yellow and covers the majority of the blade with it. Then, goes back to the middle of the sword and paints it white. To see how to do all the swords, be sure to check out his Patreon.

For the display on the bike, he starts with Emerald and does that as a base coat. As a highlight, he uses the Green Fluo color from Vallejo. This is a very bright color, so be careful with it. He also paints a bunch of details here with white.

Step 5:

Ravenwing Champion 9For the plasma coils, he uses Vermillion from Vallejo and does a quick little highlight with that. After that, he heavily dilutes white and uses that to fill the recesses between the coils. Finally, he waters down orange and does a little OSL on the plasma coils, which looks great next to the black armor.

Finished Model:

Ravenwing Champion 10There you have it, an amazing model! He did paint some of the model off-camera, but you can see the whole thing on his Patreon!

Click Here To Follow Galharen on Instagram or YouTube

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