Got Any Chaplains? 40k Go Fish – New Eagle Ordinary

By Richard McKey | July 27th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Web Comic

eagle ordinary #54

Got any Chaplains? Go fish… Come see what the esteemed Guardsmen do with their time when they are awaiting the call of duty.

The Officio Munitorum forbids the unsanctioned use of playing cards, particularly as a medium for gambling. Any Guardsman with unsanctioned playing cards on their person will be shot. Guardsman caught using the holy Emperor’s Tarot deck as playing cards will be shot twice.


Enjoy, Ordinaries! If there are any artists in the audience who’d like to take a crack at what a Chaplain playing card looks like, we’d love to see what you come up with! A full deck of 40k themed playing cards would be cool, wouldn’t it?

As an extra, we’ve got a plug for a friend! One of the PC’s in the Eagle Ordinary universe is running a journal-style blog, written from the point of view of Scribe Adept Rewalt Mason, an extremely average, run-of-the-mill administratum clerk, just trying to get by in the Grimdark. It’s great slice of life fiction. If you love watching the ordinaries just barely scrape through their misadventures, then you’ll love Rewalt’s story!

Scribe Adept Rewalt Mason Blog

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Vist for back Issues -Eagle Ordniary Comic Page.